COME ON OG Spidy! And not even because I have him R4 sig 200 but because he is vastly outclassed by the newer spidys. (Completely overlooking sym spidy as he is nowhere near sig 200 😂)
What's the point of basic ironman being on list why buff him and leave SUPERIOR ironman to be the worst 😔 make superior better, lol people who would normally think superior is better are always going to be disappointed when playing this game to see that in this game it just means a different colour.
I get the post, but I'm gonna go with Maw. Dudes been "buffed" three times now 😂😂. No one ever says it but let's go for it; "fourth times the charm"
From the list though, I think Kabam could really do wonders with an Electro buff. Passive shocks, increased attack per shock, increased power gain per shock (needs to be close to opponent) Miss mechanic, degeneration reduction when in Miss state.
Just some ideas. With a new fighting style. Would be dope
Groot out of those choices. Honestly he should’ve been buffed first before King Groot. But the one I think that really needs it that isn’t on the list is Drax. Unless he was listed in the poll, but was standing very still…
I think the oldest champs need the buffs the most, and I think it's time they made trophy champs like Kang, Thanos, Punisher, Unstoppable Colossus better also.
When you download this game, the hopes are to pull a top tier Marvel champ like Cap, Iron Man or Spidey. To actually get those champs and find out that they are duds is a total let down. Please make the OGs great so we can enjoy playing our favorite characters!
I voted for classic cap. I'd like to see either an o.g avengers synergy that makes these champs more useful and not a drag to get in crystals. Either that or a revamp for cap.
Actual buff to improve upon the champions mediocre ability.. not change to add but subtract from the champions somewhat limited abilities..
I wish Kabam didn't mess with Hawkeye sp1 power control.. keep the same number but added the perfect time to make him better.. the slow with heavy is great idea.. but lowering the percentage of power control gimps him a bit.. the bleed or crit bleeds helps.. wish he had it even if opponent blocks. He is after all expert marksman.. right?
Which dud have you pulled most times in the highest rarity?
I guess I have them all at 6*
And not even because I have him R4 sig 200 but because he is vastly outclassed by the newer spidys. (Completely overlooking sym spidy as he is nowhere near sig 200 😂)
From the list though, I think Kabam could really do wonders with an Electro buff. Passive shocks, increased attack per shock, increased power gain per shock (needs to be close to opponent) Miss mechanic, degeneration reduction when in Miss state.
Just some ideas. With a new fighting style. Would be dope
Unless he was listed in the poll, but was standing very still…
I think the oldest champs need the buffs the most, and I think it's time they made trophy champs like Kang, Thanos, Punisher, Unstoppable Colossus better also.
I wish Kabam didn't mess with Hawkeye sp1 power control.. keep the same number but added the perfect time to make him better.. the slow with heavy is great idea.. but lowering the percentage of power control gimps him a bit.. the bleed or crit bleeds helps.. wish he had it even if opponent blocks. He is after all expert marksman.. right?
Here’s my take on how I’d re-buff him