Idk how to feel about this pull?

Ronan is my latest six star, from all the info I have gathered from this community and YouTube videos is that he needs dupe and high sig to be awesome, good damage and stun lock potential against buff heavy match ups. But he is also kinda rare and new to the basic pool(i think) so I am feeling proud. Is he any good now or I shall desperately be grinding AG for him or OR or HT? 

Now fury buffs are passives
Armor break
Unduped you can still keep stun up a lot.
I use an unduped on my alt. I think he is fun.
If you take the perspective of you cannot awaken him if you don't have him it might not be such a disappointing pull.
Idk how to feel about 'THIS' pull I just saw it coming when I noticed the notification pop up