Let's talk about the problem with weapon X...

gannicus0830gannicus0830 Member Posts: 704 ★★★★
edited December 2021 in Suggestions and Requests
Weapon X is a perfect example of what this game does WRONG. Now, I already know even before I start explaining this stance that the people who were lucky enough to pull him from GGC's will disagree, and they will only disagree because they pulled him.

Let me begin with a simple question; why do we play this game? At the core, why did we want to download and play this game?
I would wager that for 99.9% of us it's the same reason; because we are marvel fans and love the idea of collecting and playing with our favorite characters from the marvel universe. Which brings me to weapon X.
When I found out he was being introduced into the game as a playable character, I was ecstatic, because I have been a huge wolverine fan since he was first created and appeared in incredible hulk #180 (I have this issue). I would gladly trade any 5 of my top champions to have him. Then I found out that he could only be acquired via an act 7 legends run, which I knew I wasn't blubbery enough to accomplish. Disappointed, I held out hope that at some point kabam would make him obtainable through some other means.
Then the gifting crystals were revealed.
Now, I'm far from a whale, and only casually spend on this game when a really good deal drops. A peasant, if you will. However,when I found out he was in the crystals and started to see all the posts on the forums and the videos from the content creators pulling him, I decided to actually invest what I could to acquire this character I love so much.
Long story slightly less long, 50 crystals opened and my only noteworthy pull was regret. Now who knows if Kabam will ever make him obtainable for average players, or if he will stay locked behind a whale wall. All I know is that I remember why I downloaded this game, and this ain't it.
Post edited by Kabam Loto on


  • Scarcity27Scarcity27 Member Posts: 1,906 ★★★★★
    Personally, I think putting such a coveted champion in the GGC is not a good idea. Weapon X was the evidence of unsurmountable dedication and effort. Now the opportunity to obtain him has been given to literally level 6 accounts. I understand that Kabam wants to make the GGC more enticing than last year, but I don't think this was the right way to go about it.

    It also throw the future of legend runs into doubt. Will they continue the same system? Or maybe keep a new exclusive champion?

    Lastly, you stated that the people who pulled him will disagree with you, but at the same time you made all efforts to pull him, and the only reason you made this post is because you couldn't.
  • PapaMidnite007PapaMidnite007 Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    I have been hunting Goldpool for years never got him 15,000 units gone now i am like forget it i aint blowing units on him its RNG its always been like that what you are feeling is dissapointment. 🤣🤣🤣🤣Trophy champs are a rare piece to get. 😁😁
    If you want a guaranteed 5 star trophy do 100% Labryinth of legends you get classic Ultron who is decent.😉😉
  • CainCain Member Posts: 559 ★★
    I get that desire to get champs that have nostalgic value, I def do…but it’s a business and sometimes it might be frustrating that things are gated. I would wager that like with most coveted items in this game…you pay to get it early and will have opportunities in the future. I may be wrong though. I could see perhaps a 5* version of him being added to a new end game ROL reward or something. That would be nice and not game breaking imo.
    Not bragging. Just want to show how rng can be weird.

    This was a 15 minute span of time.
  • Kabam LotoKabam Loto Moderator Posts: 1,997

    Hello @gannicus0830. Thank you for sharing your opinion on the game and Weapon X in particular. I moved your topic to the feedback/suggestions board where it matches more.
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,122 ★★★★★
    Sungj said:

    No. because you wouldn’t think this was a problem if you pulled him. you would tell anyone else who did pull him that it’s just luck. trophy champs are just that, trophy. not supposed to be easy to obtain.

    Exactly, why isn't OP also complaining about kang or thanos who exist in the exact same crystal and have the exact same trophy champ "issue" as weapon x. He's just salty he didn't get the pull he wanted
    Because nobody cares outside of synergies.
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