What makes Kingpin good?

Hi all. So I need to rank up a 6 star to 3 otherwise I'll loose a T5 skill. Anyhow, its between Kingpin and Elsa and I'm not sure who to take up. I know what makes her good, but from what I've seen on YouTube videos, I'm not convinced he is great. His damage is good, but I have Cosmic Ghost Rider as my heavy hitter R3 6 star. My only other 6 star skill to rank 3 is Nick Fury.
Please tell me what makes Kingpin good because I don't see it from the few YouTube videos. I must be missing something, so please help out this lost soul.
THank you for your time everyone.
Please tell me what makes Kingpin good because I don't see it from the few YouTube videos. I must be missing something, so please help out this lost soul.
THank you for your time everyone.
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
This YouTube video shows just some of the nodes that Kingpin can counter with the Hood synergy and if played properly.
If I ever get enough shards to form a Skill T5CC, he's top of the list for me to rank 3. I understand your concern OP with you having CGR. I'd give him a try yourself, slap some boosts on to get him closer to what he'd be as a rank 3 and see if the playstyle suits you.
Ease of use is important to some, and he has that going for him too.
Vanessa makes Kingpin so good.
Kidding. The guy is so much fun now.
I don’t think of KP as a damage dealer on par w CGR. He’s more super versatile utility champ. they complement each other well on a questing team
Hood) tank that heals and does great damage. He also has some ability accuracy reduction and unstoppable that’s just icing on the cake.
There are very few bad match ups with kingpin
Plus solid utility and damage
I’m playing him as much if not more than my R3 NF. He is that good.