KABAM some things in the game don't make sense, i am not here with the intention of hurting someone's feeling or ideas but i think this is too far...
Since kabam is not giving any major buff in the month of january, they should consider this and make changes. Kabam have to give some very important buffs to some champions which are not skill based but logic based. And the list is:-
1) Loki has to be frostbite and coldsnap immune because he is a frost giant
2) Hulk needs to be bleed immune or 80% resistance to bleed or something
3) Dormammu who has fire on his head and is the lord of the dark dimension gets burnt
4) how is rocket raccon not metal. he is wearing a jetpack which is metal
5) Morningstar needs to be poison immune or should have some poison resistance cause she is bloodless hollow skeleton
6) how is mysterio poison immune. He is just a guy with fancy illusion, loki can make better illusion than him. The point is why is he poison immune
7) how is iceman not coldsnap and frostbite immune? he is made of ice
8) why can't odin make anyone bleed because he is carrying a trishul which is sharp and made of metal cause magneto can put his passive on odin
9) why can't heimdall make anyone bleed, his every hit is with a sword, same goes for angela
10) doctor ock's arms are magentic immune, it is said in the movies, how can magneto put his passive on doc ock( sam raimy's spider man 2 Doc ock's speech about his assistance in the project "power of the sun in the palm of my hand")
These things make me laugh so hard but at the same time sad too. Please kabam even if you guys don't want give all the buffs together, that's fine but at least start the process, start with one buff a month.
Since kabam is not giving any major buff in the month of january, they should consider this and make changes. Kabam have to give some very important buffs to some champions which are not skill based but logic based. And the list is:-
1) Loki has to be frostbite and coldsnap immune because he is a frost giant
2) Hulk needs to be bleed immune or 80% resistance to bleed or something
3) Dormammu who has fire on his head and is the lord of the dark dimension gets burnt
4) how is rocket raccon not metal. he is wearing a jetpack which is metal
5) Morningstar needs to be poison immune or should have some poison resistance cause she is bloodless hollow skeleton
6) how is mysterio poison immune. He is just a guy with fancy illusion, loki can make better illusion than him. The point is why is he poison immune
7) how is iceman not coldsnap and frostbite immune? he is made of ice
8) why can't odin make anyone bleed because he is carrying a trishul which is sharp and made of metal cause magneto can put his passive on odin
9) why can't heimdall make anyone bleed, his every hit is with a sword, same goes for angela
10) doctor ock's arms are magentic immune, it is said in the movies, how can magneto put his passive on doc ock( sam raimy's spider man 2 Doc ock's speech about his assistance in the project "power of the sun in the palm of my hand")
These things make me laugh so hard but at the same time sad too. Please kabam even if you guys don't want give all the buffs together, that's fine but at least start the process, start with one buff a month.
1. the likes of immortal hulk, ghost rider, and sentry[ the power of a million exploding suns for gods sake] can actually be knocked out by the likes of a monkey.
2. humans and animals have blood in their body, and blood contains iron. therefore magneto should be able to apply magnitized to almost all champions. LOL
3. why ice man does not evaporate near the likes of human torch and ghost rider?
4. scarlet witch is a nexus being, she can kill a champion with one hit, i wonder who is stopping her.
5. if u ever feel stupid, know that vision uses his phasing abilities only in his sp 3
just be happy that u are able to play the game, and kabam is fixing a lot of bugs every month and i am sure they will fix these things as well. give them a break. some inaccuracy is ok in a game, as long as it is not a huge bug.
As for your suggestions, going down the list:
Number one, with Loki I see a lot of people agree that his jotunn Heritage should be taken into account and give him some semblance of Cold Snap for frostbite immunity. Personally I'd also like it if he had a little more falter and decoys added into his kit since Illusions are definitely his Forte.
Number two, the Hulk CAN actually bleed. It's happened in the comics and even on film, if you do not recall the events of Thor Ragnarok where he was literally bitten by a giant wolf. Now an argument can be made that he should have some version of healing that can also be attached to his rage and I've even been working on a concept for an overhaul on classic Hulk.
Number three, while I understand the appearance can be confusing, technically dormammu is a being of pure mystical energy, in fact he is even described that way by the game when they list his passive abilites. Although I would not complain if he had a higher level of energy resistance because of his physiology.
Number four, just because something is made of metal does not means it is automatically magnetic. Rocket is using Alloys that are only found on the other side of the universe, so we have no idea what their composition is and whether or not they even have the same effects as traditional Iron and Steel that we see here when it comes to magnetism. Going to have to put this one in then maybe but not really category.
Number five, on this one I agree. Since she is a mystical energy being encased in mystical armor, the poison thing doesn't make a lot of sense either. Like Hulk this was something I wanted to bring up in a proposal for an update.
Number six, the reason he's poison immune is because he's using a lot of chemicals to poison his opponents, so there's a chance he's developed counter agents for them.. And if that answer doesn't work for you, he is supposed to be the Master of Illusions, how do you know you're actually hitting Mysterio with poison attacks at all???
Number seven, because there's ice and there's dry ice and yet they are not the same thing. That being said, Kabam doesn't want to make Iceman immune to everything, something has to give. Even if nobody likes it.
Number eight, technically Odin's not just jabbing people in the side with a spear. I mean he's the protector the nine Realms and the dude is strong so he's just trying to show that the Allfather can clean house without stacking bleeds.
Number nine, because that makes too much sense and if you're going to make this argument you should have also included psylocke but you didn't so now it's ruined and I'm sad again.
Number 10, different Universe, different rules.. Even the dev team will tell you that the version in the game is not Alfred Molina nor does it operate off the exact same rules as the film.
Regarding how the bufgs are going to go in the future, we don't know and until such time as John decides to share with us his list of proposed Buffs for 2022, all we can do is speculate and hope for the best even though realistically, we're going to get quite a few complaints, because hoping for the best is not specific enough.
Hope you have a Happy New Year and enjoy your day.
U use the logic of
Morning star has no blood therefore she cant be poisoned
Iceman is made out of ice.
Dormmamu has fire...
Well a fist can make u bleed... So therefore every champion should be able to inflict bleed...
Heimdal has a pretty big sword but it doesnt make bleed...
Also magnetto man kill u with a paper clip... But there are champions that don't get magnetized...
So yeah your requests are a bit useless cause u can't use every bit of HUMAN logic in a SUPERHERO based game...
Thanks for the tag @Shock29
Secondly, if you read my orginal comment, there's plenty I agree with you about but like I said about iceman, even if it makes sense, they won't do that which leads into the third point..
Third, there's plenty of changes that at first glance seem like they're quick fixes but Mike even clarified that even something like a numbers bump isn't as simple as it appears. So by that argument, adding that kit changing utility and when looking at the Meta of the game and comparing it to real world logic, it would cause drastic shifts that could arguably do more harm than good to every account as well as all content from beginner to endgame.
Also if you want it to be “logical” the game balance would completely fall apart. Hulk should be able to one punch prob like at least a third of the characters on the game. Imagine Rocket getting punched by Hulk…or Hawkeye, Black Widow…etc. Speaking of Black Widow, how would she stop anyones abilities by just existing (her awakened ability has some serious AAR). What’s an armor up buff and why do they expire? Why does Gamora need to land like 15 hits before she is allowed to use her sword in an attack?
The point is it’s a game and everything can’t be perfectly logical to maintain some type of game balance. My recommendation is that instead of this rant where you snap back at people, just take some constructive criticism. Perhaps you can comment some ideas on future buff threads in the suggestions. When you come in with the same stuff that’s been on the forums for years you’re gonna get flamed a little. Heck I did it too when I was newer. Live and learn 🤘🏼💙