Rank 3 Worthy Undupped 6 Star Champions

What do you think are the best 6 star champions to R3 undupped?
Here’s my list. Do you agree/disagree?

Here’s my list. Do you agree/disagree?

Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
- Skill: shang chi, CB, Falcon
- Mutant: cable, bishop, stormX
- Cosmic: Corvus, VP
- Tech: Ultron
- Mystic: Diablo
Concerning Tigra and Ghost, it's tough b/c there's a good chance that you have a high sig dupe, and if so, I wouldn't r3 either of them. If you don't have a 5 star dupe version, then I'd add them to this list.
Diablo is best you soooo lame
Mutant: also Domino and Storm X
Cosmic: although he. does benefit a lot from awakening, I took Terrax to R3, so… Also I guess VP qualifies too
Science: definitely also Mr Fantastic
Mystic: provably Diablo and Tigra too
But it’s a solid list overall.