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Kang 7.3 problems

neglass7neglass7 Posts: 214
edited January 2022 in General Discussion
I'm finally tackling 7.3 completion, but as I'm fighting Kang, I realized that the power charges aren't carrying over for each fight. Are they supposed to? Did they at one time? Or am I misunderstanding how it works?
Phase 3 is crushing me right now without the carry over and needing a ton of revives as a result.
Help please!


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    FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Posts: 2,225 ★★★★★
    Not sure what you are referring to by "power charges". Please explain. The only added difficulty that phase 3 has is the slow power drain that makes it harder to throw the sp3 when you need to, otherwise the fight is basically the same throughout (aside from last phase) and there is no carryover of anything.
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    neglass7neglass7 Posts: 214
    I think it worked itself out. In phase 3 when I had to get 6 of the right specials thrown, i had gotten to 3 or 4 a couple times and then died, but when I revived I started back at 0. Eventually I was able to get it to work.

    Thanks though!
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    McFernieMcFernie Posts: 86
    As explained above phase 3 is no different in terms of power charges. Not sure if you’re referring to this, but just in case: you ‘carry over’ the charges of a specific champ, which means if you die and choose another from roster, you’ll see no charges. Bit if u revive, the charges will be there. You can see the symbol of 2 crossed swords next to the pic of the champs, indicating the numbers of charges ‘saved’. Hope this helps.
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    neglass7neglass7 Posts: 214
    Thank you. Yeah, I didn't realize it was by specific champs.. I'm an idiot.

    Kang is done, and I'm likely not coming back for exploration for a long time!
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    McFernieMcFernie Posts: 86
    Well, it took me a while to myself to realize what was happening with the charges, coming and going ‘randomly’. Everyone has to learn mate.
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    As the issue has been resolved, I'll close this thread now. I'm glad you worked it out and can continue on with the game.
This discussion has been closed.