Is there plans for trophy champs to get reworked?

Mr.0-8-4Mr.0-8-4 Member Posts: 504 ★★★
Good evening Devs,

Is there any plans in 2022 to have trophy champs rebuffed? I know the purpose of trophy champs has been for bragging rights rather than actual gameplay but shouldn't that change? If you look at Weapon X Wolverine, he's a highly desired champion with a solid kit. I think if Kang and Thanos were reworked, it would motivate players to take on more difficult quests to obtain these champs.

Nameless Thanos already has some badass animations. Why not just transfer these over to regular Thanos (especially the SP3 where he absorbs you into one of the infinity stones!).

Kang has so much potential! There's so much you can do with time themed attacks (hell, there's a node called "selective time stream" that would be perfect with his kit; albeit on a lesser scale).

We hope to hear your thoughts on this. Cheers ✌️


  • NøxNøx Member Posts: 77
    I agree. I think they should be made much more useful champs with their own new sets of animations. Kang is pretty good with the Apocalypse synergy but should have a little more utility IMO. Thanos could really use some work, using Nameless to work off of could be a good start. I would like Weapon X get his own animations and be added to Apocalypse’s Bringer of Death III synergy. That’s all he needs, just a little bump, he’s got a cool kit otherwise. I think trophy champs should be sought after for more than just novelty. They should be good for their own reasons. Not overpower but solid options for at least occasional content. I think it would greatly increase their already enormous desirability but give you a feeling of reward while playing as them not just as something to look at.
  • JragonMaster170JragonMaster170 Member Posts: 2,049 ★★★★★
    I would love to see them get buffed, but I doubt they will
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