Is there plans for trophy champs to get reworked?

Good evening Devs,
Is there any plans in 2022 to have trophy champs rebuffed? I know the purpose of trophy champs has been for bragging rights rather than actual gameplay but shouldn't that change? If you look at Weapon X Wolverine, he's a highly desired champion with a solid kit. I think if Kang and Thanos were reworked, it would motivate players to take on more difficult quests to obtain these champs.
Nameless Thanos already has some badass animations. Why not just transfer these over to regular Thanos (especially the SP3 where he absorbs you into one of the infinity stones!).
Kang has so much potential! There's so much you can do with time themed attacks (hell, there's a node called "selective time stream" that would be perfect with his kit; albeit on a lesser scale).
We hope to hear your thoughts on this. Cheers ✌️
Is there any plans in 2022 to have trophy champs rebuffed? I know the purpose of trophy champs has been for bragging rights rather than actual gameplay but shouldn't that change? If you look at Weapon X Wolverine, he's a highly desired champion with a solid kit. I think if Kang and Thanos were reworked, it would motivate players to take on more difficult quests to obtain these champs.
Nameless Thanos already has some badass animations. Why not just transfer these over to regular Thanos (especially the SP3 where he absorbs you into one of the infinity stones!).
Kang has so much potential! There's so much you can do with time themed attacks (hell, there's a node called "selective time stream" that would be perfect with his kit; albeit on a lesser scale).
We hope to hear your thoughts on this. Cheers ✌️