Can’t finish act 4 chapter 2

I can’t figure out how to beat 5* awakened OG Magneto with 1% health regen permanently. His life just constantly goes back up. My team is like 36,000 out of the recommended 16,000. Magneto is a 15000 and I’m frustrated. Can anybody help me on how to beat him or maybe the best champs to use against him? It doesn’t seem to make a difference to me, I fight him for literally 3.5 minutes and I end dying and he’s back at 100%. Lol I’m so angry it’s funny. Please help. Thanks guys!!
2) Nulify champs
3) Debuff champs (either out damage or have despair mastery)
4) High damage champs
These are the best choices to beat a note like that.
Anyways, ultron and corvus are metal so they can do the fight but they'll have aar so parries won't be as consistent. If you were around for the 4 star herc, id suggest using him. He can do a lot of damage and isn't metal so no aar. It won't stop the healing but you might be able to outdamage it.