Interesting choice, I personally would have gone Warlock. Also why no Corvus?
I go for characters I love from the comics and films over strength and I have a have a rule that forbids me from leveling or ranking up any of the black order
Interesting choice, I personally would have gone Warlock. Also why no Corvus?
I go for characters I love from the comics and films over strength and I have a have a rule that forbids me from leveling or ranking up any of the black order
Interesting choice, I personally would have gone Warlock. Also why no Corvus?
I go for characters I love from the comics and films over strength and I have a have a rule that forbids me from leveling or ranking up any of the black order
I personally don’t get why you are getting disagreed with on this one. I think it’s great that you’re ranking up who you like. I also really enjoy more unique rank ups. I haven’t ranked up my 6* Corvus or Warlock yet because I have 5/65 versions, and I don’t feel like I need another version of then at the moment.
Interesting choice, I personally would have gone Warlock. Also why no Corvus?
I go for characters I love from the comics and films over strength and I have a have a rule that forbids me from leveling or ranking up any of the black order
I can appreciate this mindset. I do not like Beta Ray Bill. I have a horrible feeling he will win the vote and I already told my alliance I wouldn't rank him if was the best champion in the entire game. I just have no desire for Thorse on my team.
Hopefully one day you will learn how good corvus is. Especially for act 6. Also is that CGR at the bottom?
Yes it is CGR, and I know how good Corvus is but I have a self rule that I won't take up my corvus past r3
I once had a rule to leave him at rank 4 forever but then the shang chi challenge came.... and since I don't have Aegon I ranked him up He is now used a lot in AQ I recommend ranking him you'll definitely not regret it
Interesting choice, I personally would have gone Warlock. Also why no Corvus?
I go for characters I love from the comics and films over strength and I have a have a rule that forbids me from leveling or ranking up any of the black order
So tell me you are ranking up og groot Who does not love him?
Interesting choice, I personally would have gone Warlock. Also why no Corvus?
I go for characters I love from the comics and films over strength and I have a have a rule that forbids me from leveling or ranking up any of the black order
So tell me you are ranking up og groot Who does not love him?
Interesting choice, I personally would have gone Warlock. Also why no Corvus?
I go for characters I love from the comics and films over strength and I have a have a rule that forbids me from leveling or ranking up any of the black order
Interesting choice, I personally would have gone Warlock. Also why no Corvus?
I go for characters I love from the comics and films over strength and I have a have a rule that forbids me from leveling or ranking up any of the black order
Interesting choice, I personally would have gone Warlock. Also why no Corvus?
I go for characters I love from the comics and films over strength and I have a have a rule that forbids me from leveling or ranking up any of the black order
Interesting choice, I personally would have gone Warlock. Also why no Corvus?
I go for characters I love from the comics and films over strength and I have a have a rule that forbids me from leveling or ranking up any of the black order
Why mysterio then?????????????
Mysterio is dope
I think I will just wait until kabam releases another close quarters and then see you r4/5 corvus
not upgrading corvus for whatever reason you have against him is pretty dumb but whatever. Your odd choice
I ranked him up
He is now used a lot in AQ
I recommend ranking him you'll definitely not regret it
Who does not love him?