When to make the switch to featured crystals....

SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,653 ★★★★★
edited January 2022 in General Discussion
As a side note, if anyone has spreadsheets already made for either of the featured crystals, they would be very welcome.

On to the main point. How deep of a 5 or 6* roster do you think is necessary before a summoner should start to consider the featured crystals seriously? This is not taking into account just really loving a specific champ, or the odd fling, but when would it make sense for them to seriously consider opening one or several featured crystals?

I know the math basically always favors opening the basics because then you will accumulate more champs and higher shards/etc. over time, but that is what makes this a subjective question.


  • ccrider474ccrider474 Member Posts: 661 ★★★
    Kinda depends on your luck on basic. If you're one of those people that keep pulling good champs why waste extra shards but if you seem to always get trash then time to move on.

    Me personally I have never opened a feature 6 as I can't justify the extra shards. No champ is that important in game that you need right now and can't wait for them in the basic.
  • DontsellthemDontsellthem Member Posts: 774 ★★★
    For me - Never ever ever. I rather wait it out. I’ve never been in a prestige alliance that forces you to rank up champs that will never get used or get the newest champs just to have them.

  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    edited January 2022
    Never opened a 6* feature. Never plan too. They all come eventually and even though I had a very rough run of my first 20 or so 6*, it definitely evened out. No complaints on my 6* roster of all basic pulls.
  • Scarcity27Scarcity27 Member Posts: 1,906 ★★★★★
    I decided to go for the recent 5* featured as my first one. I'd held off because I didn't think I had a big enough roster, but then came a time where I wasn't excited anymore about opening 5*s. I had about 75-80 5*s and 7-8 r5s. I decided the featured looked good, I could use some of the champs in there, and I did have a cosmic and mutant gem for if I pulled Kitty or Herc.

    I don't think it's ever necessary to make a permanent switch to featured. The basic pool will always have more options that would help anyone's roster. But if you're really desperate for one particular champ, then featured may be the way to go.
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 7,438 Guardian
    It depends on what you want. I've opened featured for awhile, but I got 13 r3 champs, a lot of r2, and a vast r5 5* roster, so I don't mind using the extra shards. My last 2 got me Antivenom and HM, so I took antivenom up quickly to r2
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    Not before u have about 80%-85% of the basic pool champs, at least the good ones
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,098 ★★★★
    I had over 60 6*’s before I started going for featured, and it was only because I had good luck on #’s 35-60 and had pulled a lot of great champs that cover a lot of ground. In October when the last featured came out I had a few key holes in Cosmic and Tech, so with Herc and Peni being in there as well as 6 other champs I really wanted to dupe (Diablo in particular) that particular featured was really good for what I needed.

    The new featured is clearly a better featured with regards to the quality of the bulk of the champs - very few ‘duds’, however for my roster it is not as beneficial as the last one. I did pull a few this week as I wanted to dupe my Nimrod. Luckily I did so, but even more luckily I pulled Hyperion, who is one of my favorite champs. As such I’ll probably pull a few more of them to try to get him duped, then go back to the basic pool.

    Long winded way to say : I don’t recommend going for the featured till you have least some critical mass on your 6* roster, and even then only if the featured is a REALLY strong fit with key gaps in your roster.
  • bm3eppsbm3epps Member Posts: 1,157 ★★★
    I have gotten burned by featured every time I decided to give it a try...
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,807 ★★★★★
    That depends on every individual roster. I usually count the odds of a good pull from basic and featured and then decide
  • Skiddy212Skiddy212 Member Posts: 1,101 ★★★★
    For me, i started to switch to the feature after i had a rank 3 or two and some very good champs. Just make sure your six star roster is developed to a point or your 5 star can carry you far before switching
  • GhostboytjieGhostboytjie Member Posts: 2,301 ★★★★★
    Open features for fun, cause its a game

    Waste 5k shards cause its a game

    Pull og iron man , and laugh, cause its a game.

    So do what you want, theres never a certain peek of champs you need to decide if u want to have fun and gamble at a feature.

    Im that type of player that works with what he gots, I explored act 1 - 7.3 and my 6* roster isnt THAT developed, I go for feature cause I pulled nebula x4 times from prev 1 and Spidey2099 and both are r3 now, I use the "meme" tier as they call it to clear my content and dont wait for specific champs.

    My 2 fav are my R2 WS and R3 KM. When I duped my WS I was actually happy as he was my first 6* and I loved him. I Wanted to R3 aegon and KM so took KM first and now I can do Winter soldier and play for fun.

    It is a game afterall
  • Soar2878Soar2878 Member Posts: 143 ★★
    I have a pretty well developed 6 star roster (118) and I just recently started pulling featured crystals. I usually look at how many on the list I already have awakened. If it’s a small number, I go for the featured. I’d rather pull a new OML than get 20 more sigs on Drax.
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 4,944 ★★★★★
    I made the switch to features for several reasons

    1. I have a 5 star roster that can carry me
    2. I get junk from the basic crystal
    3. I like to target champs that are new and I like
    4. I have a backlog of champs I want to rank up so extra shards aren’t a big deal
  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,324 ★★★★★
    Depends on how good the featured is. The current 6* featured is really banging. But basically once you have a decent amount of r5s/r2s you can start going for featureds
  • SandeepSSandeepS Member Posts: 1,252 ★★★★
    Divide the champs you'd be happy with or would rank up (decide your criteria) against number of total champs in each pool.

    Then factor in the additional cost of the featured (you can get 3 basic for 2 featured) and you should have your answer.
  • TheEducationTheEducation Member Posts: 93
    KT1 made a vid....https://youtu.be/Qi6oW84DKhs

    I believe he has a link to a spreadsheet another community member made that you can copy and use
  • NastyPhishNastyPhish Member Posts: 583 ★★★

    KT1 made a vid....https://youtu.be/Qi6oW84DKhs

    I believe he has a link to a spreadsheet another community member made that you can copy and use

    Did anyone else make a vid? XD
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,979 ★★★★★
    No spreadsheets, but if you do not have a developed roster (75+ 6*’s minimum) then I would suggest saving any featured openings for (a) crystals with outstanding odds for your roster, (b) months where 6* shards are flowing readily and (c) using the Sigil discount.

    For (a), I would suggest breaking down the featured pool into simple tiers—additive vs. non-additive, best upsides vs. worst downsides, with a special emphasis on the basic champs and their effect on your roster. Most players get carried away by the featured 6* champs, and while they may all be solid like this month, it’s 3X more likely you wind up pulling one for each individual crystal (see:https://www.mathsisfun.com/data/probability-events-independent.html for calculating probability over multiple pulls). For example, in the last featured, I had several dupes I would have considered additive (Iceman, Rogue, War Machine, e.g.) in addition to the featureds I wanted. It is also important to factor in the low end of the crystal—for me, there were only a few champs I didn’t want at all (like America Chavez) or had already awakened (Guillotine, Rags), so the downside was limited.

    For (b), last month-plus was a shard bonanza, increasing my chances for getting a desired champ. Put simply, it is easier to get a good pull if you pop more crystals. If you don’t get a lot of shards, don’t buy featureds, even if you “feel lucky.”

    For (c), I tried to utilize the Sigil for featured 6* at 13K as much as possible last month-plus. Discounts matter.

    I’m currently over 100 6* champs, so it’s featureds all the way for me now, unless the pool is terrible or doesn’t progress my roster much at all. This pool is solid for me—all 6 featureds are good to great, the OG champs (Hypo and Voodoo) are desirable even if they need awakening, and several of the basic champs I do not own as 6* (GR, YJ, Cable, Hit Monkey, e.g.) and some are dupes I’d like (Emma, Dragon Man, e.g.). Overall, over 15 possible pulls are “additive” for me.

    That’s how I look at it. Hope that helps.

    Dr. Zola
  • ChiliDogChiliDog Member Posts: 895 ★★★
    I tried twice for a 6* Hercules and got a 6* DD and duped Diablo. I tried a few times on the 5* for him and did get a Kitty and trash, but no herc. Generally I don't get these though, but got a 6* cosmic dupe during gifting, so gave it a couple tries.

    Back to basic 6* since I have a smaller 6* roster.
  • Logan00Logan00 Member Posts: 621 ★★★
    Stick to basics, I went for 3 features , got cable, wasp and old man logan, not bad but 0 feature, so if I'm going to pull basic champions I have better and cheaper options in the basic crystals. Back to basics!
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