can I get cavalier??

hoohao4567hoohao4567 Member Posts: 12
edited January 2022 in Strategy and Tips
Hello guys I have become uncollected two months ago. Now I am looking forward to become cavalier.

Here are my 5 stars roster:
nick fury , stark spidey, falcon , apocalypse, ultron , magik , black widow deadly origin , crossbones, s.centurion , abomination immortal , mr fantastic , sentinel , sorcerer supreme , domino ,thing, she hulk , mr negative , mole man , killmonger , man thing and diablo.

Here are 6 stars :

with my current roster can I get cavalier or hold on first? Who should I rank up and bring to act 6.1 ??

other helpful info all welcome.

Thanks in advance :wink:
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


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