I love AW Glitches

Ah yes, once again a great day in War. The birds are chirping, a warm breeze is blowing and… OH GOD A NICK FURY IS ABSOLUTELY MURDERING ME. Anyway, in all seriousness, how does this happen. For the record, this actually happened twice. Once when he was around the 90% range and again when he was entering LMD state (these are the only times I actually used my L2, otherwise I was using my L3). I would’ve thought it was the LMD but it seems like for some reason Nick is able to recover unnaturally quickly on one part of Claire’s L2. It just happened that in this clip that hit was the one that also activated his LMD. I already put in a ticket but I’m putting this out there to see if anyone else is experiencing this.

Because it was the EQ I just mentally wrote it off as a glitch and continued.
I noticed it with NF today but it was UC eq so I ignored it