cap America infinity war

hoohao4567hoohao4567 Member Posts: 12
edited January 2022 in Strategy and Tips

Should I awakened him ?


  • Ted_n00bgentTed_n00bgent Member Posts: 527 ★★★
    edited January 2022
    I wouldn’t personally. He’s not ranked up and he needs high sig for his utility to be reliable so what are you really gaining with a sig 1 cap that you aren’t without him being awakened? Unless you got a stash of sig stones you can dump a few into him then I would. But I would hang on to it until he is at least rank 2.
  • hoohao4567hoohao4567 Member Posts: 12

    I wouldn’t personally. He’s not ranked up and he needs high sig for his utility to be reliable so what are you really gaining with a sig 1 cap that you aren’t without him being awakened? Unless you got a stash of sig stones you can dump a few into him then I would. But I would hang on to it until he is at least rank 2.

    I have a few sig stones only and can bring him to sig level 7 after using all of them
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