Re-Parry unintended?

The announcement was a little unclear, will reparry stay or be phased out? Also, if it was unintended why is it part of the monthly event quest global nodes for the guardian tags? Will these nodes be addressed before we see them again?
They said they would try to keep it, I thought.
At any rate, the node wasn’t “You must reparry”. It’s Stun Immune Lite. The node is intended to remove parry from your bag of tricks while still allowing you to stun via abilities and specials.
I find intercepting way easier than reparrying. So I cleared that chapter treating them as stun immune without a whole lot of issues.
So no, I don’t think the node needs to be changed. Though I won’t complain if we never see it again…
I may be wrong but that’s how I read it
As in, after they saw how useful it is, they did some " schimadigums" to include it as a feature
I think that means new techniques, they just used reparry as an example
My second point was if reparry was unintended why would we see nodes that benefit the feature? Does this not reap bad behaviours?
Disagree all y’all want, I know I’m not the only one thinking about this.
From what I understand, they are not going to alter any existing features (the ones that aren't bugged) but will have to make a decision on future interactions that arise due to the input fix.
I think re-parry is quite an old mechanic now (assuming it's as old as parry itself), so at first they were a bit concerned about it, but ultimately let it be in the game as a proper mechanic, which is also why there are now nodes that benefit the use of re-parry.
And as it has been said again, even though it was an unintended bug, they have made it a feature in the game so why should they not take advantage of game features?
The only ones who can claim "bad behaviour " are Kabam. If they say it's okay to do so , it's okay.
I also wonder if reparry was unintended feature what other unintended features do we use regularly that might be on the chopping block? But hopefully if anything comes up we get a decent discussion beforehand.
Even though they say now the intent is to keep it, this can change at any time like how a "Frame Rate Fix" altered how Drax in such a way he now is pushed backwards when an autoevader evades him,
The solution is stun immune.
Reparry emerged after super bugged update where many game mechanics got changed. ForEx. the NC switch trick.
Cmm was the boss that month, March/April '19.
Reparry is actually something important nowadays esp when parry is not functioned well due to input error.