Share your favorite Champs to Use that ARE NOT Top Tier

I know there is some debate as to which Champs are in the very top tier versus lower tiers but who are your favorite to play with (because they are easy / simple to use, fun to play, or very effective).
Skill: Black Widow DO. She is so easy, fun and effective not considered top tier. She is my new Gwenpool (who is still like a lot)
Science: Spider-ham is a blast. So fun. He throws pies!
Tech: Ultron. Maybe not the most fun but for not being top tier he is very useful.
Mutant: Weapon X and Domino are great. But they make the top tier lists for some folks so maybe don't belong here.
Cosmic: Venom. He's so easy and useful. VPool since his buff is close as well.
Mystic: Sorcerer Supreme. She is usually not considered top tier but so easy and effective.
Just some thoughts for today.... thanks all.
Skill: Black Widow DO. She is so easy, fun and effective not considered top tier. She is my new Gwenpool (who is still like a lot)
Science: Spider-ham is a blast. So fun. He throws pies!
Tech: Ultron. Maybe not the most fun but for not being top tier he is very useful.
Mutant: Weapon X and Domino are great. But they make the top tier lists for some folks so maybe don't belong here.
Cosmic: Venom. He's so easy and useful. VPool since his buff is close as well.
Mystic: Sorcerer Supreme. She is usually not considered top tier but so easy and effective.
Just some thoughts for today.... thanks all.
Science - Ham ..i value him like AA ..both beast of a champ.
Cosmic - Venom
Mystic - Longshot
Tech - Myseterio (with Peni synergy )
Mutant - have a r3 Domino and a r5 too. My most used champ. She was also my TB rankup.
Tech - Centurion, Nimrod and P2099
Science - Piggy, Overseer, Wasp and Red Hulk
Skill - KM (even though he is top tier), Masacre and Ronin
Mutant - Domino and Namor
Mystic - Voodoo, Sassy and Sigil Witch
With his buff duration shortening mechanic, he finds a lot of fun uses for me.
Indefinite armor break. Armor break access is very easy for KG. Indefinite armor break is awesome against emma. She cant enter diamond form again.
Crazy regen. At sig 60 regens 10% health everytime malice is on cool down. Massive health pool
Sp2 being main source of damage. 5 fury gives awesome sp2. And if opponents are robot they are just reduced to atoms from sp2.
And last is purify while malice is on. I use king groot along with ibom all the time for questing. Took him up to r5 before unawakened herc and venom awakened.
Mutant- iceman and rogue
Mystic- longshot
Science - spider gwen
Tech - imiw
Mutant -Red Cyke
Mystic - Immortal Iron Fist
Science - OG Cap
Tech - Rocket Racoon
Cosmic - Ms. Marvel
Mutant- colossus
Mystic- longshot
Science- miles
Tech- hulkbuster
Cosmic- venom the duck
Tech: War machine, I’m honestly just a big fan of him and after his buff he’s just so darn good.
Science: Joe fixit, post buff he’s an absolute blast to play with. Special attack spam, bleeds galore, just a real good time.
Cosmic: my first thought was Silver surfer, always thought he was really fun. So that’s what I’m sticking with lol.
Mystic: idk if she’s considered by the masses as “top tier”. I really don’t have any unconventional mystic rank ups I find fun. The most fun I’ve had with a mystic champion is sigil witch but Idk if that counts.
Mutant: this is hard. I don’t find a lot of the mutants “fun”, just “effective”. I guess the most fun for me is horseman Wolverine or storm. They just get crazy and its fun doing rol runs with them.
His judgements, power drain and regen was considered top tier way back when. So I know how to play him pretty well now. Man I'm aging myself hahah. I'm so tempted to bring him all the way up to r5 but haven't gotten around to it.
Mutant: Old Man Logan.
Skill: Squirrel Girl.
Cosmic: Vision (Aarkus). He's a great champion but I just feel like he's pretty overlooked.
Science: MODOK. Butt-fire for days!
Mystic: Mojo. I literally just r3'd mine. He's so much fun. I also think Mordo is a blast to play. Hits like a noodle-pillow but feels great.
I do have a weird kick for War Machine, I cannot explain why
Gwenpool and Storm X are good fun as well
I also unironically love using BPCW. He’s awful, even synergised, but his animations are clean as anything
Moon Knight
Mutant-Storm pyramid X she has a nice special 2 damage. Don’t use her much, but I enjoy using her sometimes.
Tech-Kang with apoc synergy he hits hard when his furies are built up, I’m happy to have gotten him as a six star and I like to completely drain power with the sp2.
Cosmic-Cull Obsidian he might be considered a bit top tier, but he hits like a truck and he’s my first ramp up champ I’d like to use more often.
Mystic-Ebony Maw I use him sometimes and it’s cool to see the defense damage.
Science-Immortal hulk he packs a punch once he’s ramped, and I love to use him. Though I still like immortal abom better.
Skill - Ronin
Science - Sentry
Mystic - Hood
Mutant - Wolverine
Tech - Punisher 2099
Mostly use these guys when my main champs are away on alliance wars and quests
OG scarlet witch
Venom the duck
Skill - Elsa
Science - Luke Cage
Mystic - Longshot
Cosmic - Carnage
Tech - Mysterio