20 Cavs!! The most of any monthly event yet. If you are looking for ISO and Gold. These bundles are some of the best you’ve ever seen!!
*Cough cough* December event *cough cough*
I think the event in total had somewhere around 18 Cavs. There are 20 in the store alone, plus some in the calendar. Not to mention that Decembers monthly side event had close to no other rewards. Here you get 1400 mojo bucks per tier to spend as you please, and a whopping ton of gold!!
That's nice to know though I don't know anyone that will be spending all their bucks on Cavs. For me they're low priority. When I've bought the shards and t5b then I might consider the Cavs
So total we are getting 35 cavs. ?! Also from wiich areas apart fron calendar are we getting these shards ??
The store, through mojo bucks. I'd advise most people to only max buy the herioc and master cav bundles, that's 10 crystals. the epic and legendary just aren't worth it compared to the other bundles. Also the cavs are the normal drop rates, not like last months. It does make sense though, we are getting a way larger number for free and all.
I believe you also get around 9 million gold from those bundles as well
whoah, yeah your right. that definitely changes things. Those are very valuable in all difficulties then. I don't have a gold shortage myself but I'll prob still gonna buy those either way. Thanks.
So total we are getting 35 cavs. ?! Also from wiich areas apart fron calendar are we getting these shards ??
The store, through mojo bucks. I'd advise most people to only max buy the herioc and master cav bundles, that's 10 crystals. the epic and legendary just aren't worth it compared to the other bundles. Also the cavs are the normal drop rates, not like last months. It does make sense though, we are getting a way larger number for free and all.
I don't think you understand how it works. You've got separate mbucks for every difficulty, you can't spend them all on the one you choose.
For me they're low priority. When I've bought the shards and t5b then I might consider the Cavs
I don't have a gold shortage myself but I'll prob still gonna buy those either way. Thanks.