No cast and crew Crystal

RefuseRefuse Member Posts: 4
edited February 2022 in Bugs and Known Issues
I loaded up the game and had the cast and crew Crystal available but now it has gone is this a glitch?
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on


  • EvilutionEvilution Member Posts: 21
    edited February 2022

    Same herre, same as last month the shards are showing either as blacked out image or white, no picture of shards.
    on another account they show up as blue crystal shards.
    in the crystal store i see last months anthopmorphis crystals but no cast and crew cystals,
    log into other account and that on has the shards showing andd the cystals in the menu.

    same exact thing as last month.

    some account show the shards on the calender but other account shows black / white image.
    some account show cast and cew in crystal menu other account only show last months crystal.
    i have screen shots taken frrom both types of account if needed.
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit please look into this again please...


    i have latest update and still not showing on some account and is on the other 1,
    same exact thing as last months shards / crystals not showing up.
  • EvilutionEvilution Member Posts: 21

  • EvilutionEvilution Member Posts: 21
    edited February 2022
    just logged over to the account that shows the shards and crystals,
    added screenshots to show what i am explaining.
    same as last month.

    @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Miike
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Could you confirm which version of the game you most recently updated to, including if you got 33.3.1 on Android?
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 955 ★★★★
    So today before 10th Feb 6:00pm (GMT). The Cast & Crew crystals appeared as normal.

    However now after 6:00pm (GMT). It is dissappeared.

    I'm on Android and have the v33.3.1

  • LBN1LBN1 Member Posts: 192 ★★
    Also on Android, and latest update 33.3.1. Exact same problem, no such crystal in the monthly calendar and also missing on the crystal tab page, same images like above. More annoying as I just bought a bunch of these shards from the Mojo bucks store!
  • MagonusMagonus Member Posts: 528 ★★★
    Should I buy these?

  • Danemo666Danemo666 Member Posts: 166 ★★
    Mine have also disappeared after 33.3.1
    But only on one of my devices, no problems the the Samsung s21 ultra, but missing on the s9
  • jdrum663jdrum663 Member Posts: 551 ★★
    I bought some that disappeared too, latest update including "hot fix". On Android S6Lite if it helps.
  • Mike_1978Mike_1978 Member Posts: 26
    Having the same issue with the cast & crew shards. I'm using Samsung s21+ updated game version 33.3.1 with android hot fix. The shards are blank in calendar and the crystal is missing from crystal tab, only show last months crystal. The crystal was visible and present as of 6am eastern time 2/10/22
  • LBN1LBN1 Member Posts: 192 ★★
    Something changed on the server side? Crystal is back for me on the crystal tab and looks normal on the daily login calendar.
  • jdrum663jdrum663 Member Posts: 551 ★★
    I think there's a new update, one since the "hot fix". I saw one after posting this,, updated,, and mine are there now as far as I could tell (calendar one too). So maybe go to the Play Store or wherever you update from and try. I hope that helps!
  • EvilutionEvilution Member Posts: 21
    edited February 2022
    Latest version of the game, 33.1.1 not showing cast and crew shards as in screenshot.
    Not able to see cast and crew crystals only anthropomorphic crystals as in screenshot.

    I have 2 accounts 1 has them and the other does not .
    Same on 2 different Samsung phone models.
    A21S AND S21+.
    This is the same as what happened last month with these crystals and shards.

    Reinstalled 2 times and same issue, it seems the account has the issue and not the phone

    @Kabam Zibiit

  • EvilutionEvilution Member Posts: 21
    edited February 2022
    I will add that every few times I log in I am either in BETA with 888,888 units and have to close and re start or lately more I am in BETA but everything shows as normal except the green BETA in top left.
    Server issues I think.

    I have other screenshot from different days / logins, showing various BETA screen types.

  • EvilutionEvilution Member Posts: 21
    edited February 2022

    @Kabam Zibiit

    I am not sure if this was fixed somehow at your end but it seems to be ok today, both acounts show shards and crystals,

    as for the BETA login page I have not currently seen it as yet on the 33.1.1 or 33.1.0 update so fingers crossed that was just during previous updates.

    thanks for replying to all my posts an keeping us in the dark.
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