7m ally looking for a few 200k+ hard hitters who are ready to go

You’ve put up with inactive alliances, but eventually left to seek something more.
You keep bouncing from alliance to alliance because you can't find the right fit.....
....Come check us out!

•Mostly adults in our mid 30’s
• Require the LINE app to communicate, and have built some incredible friendships there
• Help each other grow inside and outside the battle-field
• 7m alliance rating
• Average member rating 244K
• AQ on/off weeks trying to run map 5 as much as optional donations allow
• AW rating of 1,212 going between tier 4-7
• Hit SA rank rewards every week with no holding needed
• Have leaders who will help you grow and point you in the right direction
• Play daily to keep growing, and are actively building our roster of champs

Ideally, we are seeking players with a base hero rating of 200K and are level 60, or close, who can comfortably run map 4 and ready to grow into map 5. More than rating though, we seek like-minded individuals who will fit into our group.

Hit me up on LINE to discuss further. Recruiting officer: JessicaWXYZ
Leader: Tq5587
Alliance name: [TIM!] This is Mutanty!


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