Chill with Poke It With A Stick

Chill with Poke It With A Stick

Semi retiring from higher level alliance AQ and AW?

Not got time to participate in full on alliance activity?

Still want to have some glory and the some war rewards rolling in?

Here’s the deal…

Come and join me and my alts.
- Blast through map 3 AQ (epic mods) Solo the map at your leisure.
- Join war as you like, have a bit of fun in the silver ranks
- Complete the story and solo content and rank ups you want
- No instructions / planning - just use your own initiative.
- No pressure on anyone to win or complete events - i.e AQ / AW - just contribute to the points totals.
- Line chat if you like to.
- No b.s. or ill behaviour tolerated.
- Prefer experienced players stepping back

Tag: iPoke
Alliance name: Poke It With A Stick

Contact in game: Lapsed•Pacifist
Contact on Line: Tactigon


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