Which is the best Science Champion to rank 5? (Yellow Jacket, Cap WW2, Red Hulk)

Kamr05Kamr05 Member Posts: 209
edited November 2017 in General Discussion
I already have Hulk 5/50. Leaning more towards Red Hulk because he will have synergies with my 5* x-23 n 4* Hulk. I have no idea which option is best so please leave a comment/suggestion if you can.

Which is the best Science Champion to rank 5? (Yellow Jacket, Cap WW2, Red Hulk) 99 votes

4* Yellow Jacket (sig20)
DJRipsterSaiyanINTEGRALzuffyrealiTicChromeJlemos818MasterTroller42Illuminantdeadly316SirTodd_83D_Ace_71PandamanTanDrewbe14LLOM1luffysenpai99NEUROPLEXUS 17 votes
4* Captain America WW2 (sig40)
DaMunkEtaki_LirakoiRagamugginGunnerScnarfLeNoirFaineantNoob_2yrsNinjAlanSpity68CapWW2prestatorDeadbyrd9Fireballs5SomeoneElseRiise81vg2782TheSOURAChris_L_HMoneygrabNikoBravoDanicb94 63 votes
4* Red Hulk (sig 40)
bhuv9191Mrbeast6000Cosmic_Ray13scottstevenson86DjBabuSavageBreaker69lethalpains 7 votes
5* OG Spider-Man (unduped)
SnizzbarMarzGroovecjs8000DrchucklesSummonerB2LBurnaGeneralDCNanimal79Thecrusher_9756RømyjartMRHENRYDEAD123Riceman 12 votes


  • LiquidButtLiquidButt Member Posts: 135
    safe is cap ww2, fun (not really fun but more fun than cap) is YJ
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  • Kamr05Kamr05 Member Posts: 209
    Thank you for the input guys. I will still wait for more votes and input before I make a decision though.
  • LLOM1LLOM1 Member Posts: 2
    4* Yellow Jacket (sig20)
    Yj by far..
  • chev327foxchev327fox Member Posts: 826 ★★
    edited November 2017
    4* Captain America WW2 (sig40)
    Either WWII or YJ... both are Demi-God Tier even unduped.
  • Nanimal79Nanimal79 Member Posts: 99
    5* OG Spider-Man (unduped)
    Spiderman. Game going towards 5*'s, he hits hard, and you'll dupe him or get a stone and then he's great on defense.
  • Kamr05Kamr05 Member Posts: 209
    Thank you for your feedback! I think Yellow Jacket wasn't viewed as well as Cap WW2 in the votes but those who left comments mostly voted for YJ. I think his damage output is higher than CapWW2, which means I won't sit in fights for ages.
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    4* Captain America WW2 (sig40)
    What is demi god tier? Who came up with that ridiculous label lmao.

    Cap ww2 is better. He rolls in AQ agaisnt Dorm and in story Quest. His bleed is insane. 600 twice per second.

    Yj is just a synergy fodder. Horrendous damage output.

    OG Spidy is a good choice since 4 stars will be the new 3 stars soon.

    The more rank 3 5 stars you have the more you can advance in progression due to easier arena resources.
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    Yeah whoever said Cap is outdated doesn't know much.

    Still very reliable in all aspects.
  • RømyjartRømyjart Member Posts: 78
    5* OG Spider-Man (unduped)
    Spider-Man even unduped is a god. He hits like a truck
  • Kamr05Kamr05 Member Posts: 209
    yeah I think Cap wins
  • MRHENRYDEAD123MRHENRYDEAD123 Member Posts: 12
    5* OG Spider-Man (unduped)
    I voted for O.g SPIDER MAN because he has more attack counts and he makes the other person your fighting weaker for attacks so when he hits you is not as powerful as it should be and captain America is boring sorry lol
  • CrusherCrusher Member Posts: 305
    Yj ...by far is best of those.. Cap is also good because of bp and bleed ..but he hits too low ..against any bleed immune champs u will took much time but u will slightly took any damage while blocking...
    For any skilled champ blocking is not any issue...so rank up yj he is really good because of his power sting and high base damage
  • CrusherCrusher Member Posts: 305
    Yeah whoever said Cap is outdated doesn't know much.

    Still very reliable in all aspects.

    He is really outdated.... If ur evasion skills and baiting skills are good ...then u can use other champs instead of him...
    I will prefer og cap over him...just my opinion
  • CrusherCrusher Member Posts: 305
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    What is demi god tier? Who came up with that ridiculous label lmao.

    Cap ww2 is better. He rolls in AQ agaisnt Dorm and in story Quest. His bleed is insane. 600 twice per second.

    Yj is just a synergy fodder. Horrendous damage output.

    OG Spidy is a good choice since 4 stars will be the new 3 stars soon.

    The more rank 3 5 stars you have the more you can advance in progression due to easier arena resources.

    People had completed lol easy path with him....and u r saying his damage is horrendous....!!
  • MRHENRYDEAD123MRHENRYDEAD123 Member Posts: 12
    5* OG Spider-Man (unduped)
    Same crusher I have the original captain America he good but sometimes gets a little boring lol 😂
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    4* Captain America WW2 (sig40)
    OG spiderman is a pain to use on offense if you dupe him and like to parry. And he isn't that good on defense anymore. WW2 is much better. It's not even a debate to me. YJ is fine but isn't great at anything. WW2 is much more useful.
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  • Kamr05Kamr05 Member Posts: 209
    Thanks for the advice guys. This is the worst class I've ever had to deal with ranking up. Kabam need to change these champions. If Cap WW2 had different animations to OG Cap then he would be less boring for sure. He is an old champion, but likewise Yellow Jacket is also. It would also be great if Yellow Jacket had some form of power drain. I think they are pretty even. I'll have to rank up one now and another later. Got over 6 t4cc science anyway. Thanks again.
  • IlluminantIlluminant Member Posts: 196
    4* Yellow Jacket (sig20)
    INTEGRAL wrote: »
    You will never use WWII. He is very outdated. YJ is the best among all

    Got him as a 5 star unduped think he’s rank 3 worthy?
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  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    INTEGRAL wrote: »
    You will never use WWII. He is very outdated. YJ is the best among all

    I disagree. Cap WWII is excellent and possibly the best science champ for Act 5. He single handedly cleared multiple paths for me, including Act 5.3.6:

  • ImranImran Member Posts: 587 ★★★
    4* Captain America WW2 (sig40)
    INTEGRAL wrote: »
    You will never use WWII. He is very outdated. YJ is the best among all

    How?? Cap ww2 more useful now. Champ with at least one buff, he(high sig lvl) will get zero damage from blocking isn't it amazing??? Now kabam adding champ most of all has tons of buff..
  • edited November 2017
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  • ManiacalMeManiacalMe Member Posts: 57
    edited November 2017
    It really depends on what you want, your skill and how you play.

    If you depend on blocking to get you through paths than you go ww2. He's pretty bland besides his s2 though.

    Yj has utility. I have an unduped 5* YJ at r3 and I quest with him constantly. If you're good at baiting specials or if you're not good at baiting specials he still helps get a free combo in with his stun. Add the stupefy mastery and he's a fun champ with many uses, including AQ against Dorm.

    Personally I would go with YJ. Red hulk isn't worth a rank past r3. And all 5*s should be at r2 at some point. It's roughly the same as a 4* 3/30.
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