Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Returning player looking for an active alliance

I'm currently on the look out to join a strong and active alliance that at least runs AQ map 5 along with the occasional war. I have a prestige of about 5.2k and am Uncollected. My top Champs are a 6*R1 Storm (OG), 5*R4 Captain Marvel (classic), 5*R4 Iceman, 5*R4 Stark Spidey, and 4*R5 Blade. Willing to contribute to events and want to grow and progress together with some friends. I can communicate with LINE or Discord either one works.

My in game name is SirSpecter.
Feel free to ask any questions.


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    SirSpectreSirSpectre Posts: 6

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    RaiderbobRaiderbob Posts: 169
    I’ve got a Gold2 ally that could be a good home for you. Hit me up on LINE. ID is RaiderBob
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    ValGilbertValGilbert Posts: 107
    Hi, if you're LF an AQ Ally, we run map 5 w/4700 weekly glory, No requirements other than AQ activity. War is optional. Lots of seasoned players, cool alliance.

    Line: runningwiththebulls
    In-game: killinghero33
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