Tips on Alliance creation?

AnotherVariantAnotherVariant Member Posts: 71
I need members lol


  • AnotherVariantAnotherVariant Member Posts: 71
    Symbiote City SCy22
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    My tip is don't start an alliance unless you are where you want to be in the game. It'll slow your progression way down. Otherwise you need a solid core or it'll be nothing but frustration and fighting an uphill battle lol. Best of luck.
  • AnotherVariantAnotherVariant Member Posts: 71

    My tip is don't start an alliance unless you are where you want to be in the game. It'll slow your progression way down. Otherwise you need a solid core or it'll be nothing but frustration and fighting an uphill battle lol. Best of luck.

    Oh dude I'm relaxed with where I am in the game.. Just wondering how or when ppl would join

    Is a 2 person open alliance even recommended to new players?
  • Geralt_123Geralt_123 Member Posts: 595 ★★★

    My tip is don't start an alliance unless you are where you want to be in the game. It'll slow your progression way down. Otherwise you need a solid core or it'll be nothing but frustration and fighting an uphill battle lol. Best of luck.

    Oh dude I'm relaxed with where I am in the game.. Just wondering how or when ppl would join

    Is a 2 person open alliance even recommended to new players?
    You will face hard time in recruiting.How I managed myself doing so starting from that level, it surprises me.If you don't have group of at least 7 to 8 players, better not to waste your time imo
  • Noise72Noise72 Member Posts: 337 ★★★
    Just keep spamming global. If you keep the alliance open random accounts will join and you will fill up eventually. They probably wont be active or good players but you might find a gem here and there. New alliances are tough but not impossible.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    It just takes patience, and trial and error. You can either make it Open and trim the ones that don't fit, or advertise on here and in group chats with Line, Discord, or other channels. Good luck!
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★

    I need members lol

    I've run a mid-tier alliance for about 2.5 years, and here is some advice:

    -- When recruiting, be clear about what you want for the alliance and its members. Is AW required? What AQ maps will you run? Anything you want to require from members, make it known. Ask questions of potential members to make sure they're a good fit. This benefits both of you.

    -- If you have rules, announce them. One example relates to cheating/hacking. Ensure that new members know you do not want cheaters and will kick them if they do.

    -- Don't randomly kick players. Give people a chance to correct mistakes they've made, like missing a day of AQ without letting you know, or whatever.

    -- Use a chat application to communicate with members. There are free ones out there.

    -- One thing I always ask new members to do is to not leave the alliance unannounced. I get that players have more important priorities than my ally, but just give me a few days notice that you are leaving. Don't just disappear on me.

    Good luck.
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