Awaken 5* Hyperion or 5* Hercules?!

I just got a Cosmic Awakening Gem & I don't know who to use it on. My 5* Hype is already R5 maxed out, while my 5* Herc is only R2 but I have enough to max him out. My Hype has been amazing but I keep seeing all these ppl saying how phenomenal Herc is when he's awakened, so I'm a little stuck. Suggestions??
I suppose you're assuming that I don't have any Sig Stones to use, but have about 30 or so to put towards whichever champ I choose to awaken. So it sounds like you're still making an argument for Herc.....?
With only 30 sig stones, Hyperion is the best option. Hercules ideally needs max sig. Hyperion needs sig 40.
Hyperion only needs 1 sig though, so that’s the easy option if you are on low sigs…
I am saving my sigs (and ag) for when I pull Angela or CMM one day.
True I got him at sig 75 maxed r5 , tbf sig stones are easy to get and btw not going with duping him could be silly cuz 5* ag these days are class specific so rng dependent and u won’t feel bad abt duping herc even after putting an ag in him , but could kick urself if u dupe hype post putting an ag , and yeah sig 70 plus he’s already dupe useful
But yeah totally up to you , cuz u could go a long time not duping herc , u never know unless ur an arena grinder or get real lucky
I recently got a 6* Angela, which is awesome, but I know she's not going to be duped for quite a while lol