What I think about Battlegrounds...

Okay, first off I wanna say that I think that battlegrounds is really fun and enjoyable to play. It's a nice addition to the game. BUT there are some problems I have with the beta. I don't understand why it cost 15 energy. If you play a few rounds, your energy is pretty much gone. It should be way less or even cost no energy, such as incursions. Also, I don't really enjoy how it doubles or triples the opponent's power.


  • GogataGogata Member Posts: 71
    The mode is fun for now, but it will become boring fast because most roasters dont have enough champs to choose from, although I have all champs besides the last 6 or 8 released, as 5r5 or 6r2or even r3, every time I am picking the same roaster just because they are the best, and playing with 15 champs every time is not a long term content, additionally the energy cost of 15 for me is still insanely high. The event quest is like 1300 energy to do 100%(a number that i got from a forum, might not be exactly but it should be close) so normal, heroic, master, uncoll and cav this is 5x1300 = 6500. To assume we are max lvl and we cap at 70 energy max - 6500/70 = about 90 energy refills.
    Me personally, I do all 5 difficulties 100% and i finish about 3-4 days before the events end. Side quest sometimes also requires energy so without the calendar and other energy refills it is mathematicly impossible to be done, and you want to add a mode that requires 15 energy for 5 minutes of gameplay from my point of view is simply nonsense. I guess the rewards will be based on the placement and will be way better than normal and heroic but why would you force ppl to avoid content that you release monthly?
  • StronstVngrStronstVngr Member Posts: 223
    Agree with everything said, PLUS, I noticed that my opponents, a couple times, were “unbeatable”… not sure wtf that was about… however, I did actually win one round… all in all though, I’m not impressed. I agree about the energy cost, which is totally insane, and for some reason, my opponents had some kind of “abilities” enabled which I was not able to activate… hmmmm 🤔 Still a ways to go before it’s actually fun…
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