New alliance open recruiting

Ra's Disciples
Brand new alliance recruiting new members.
Aw, aq, must be active.
Relaxed ally understands that people have lives outside of game, LINE not required, but cooperation appreciated.


  • BadabibidonBadabibidon Member Posts: 91
    Name in game is DefileddelifeD
  • BadabibidonBadabibidon Member Posts: 91
    Will be aiming for silver2-gold3 when roster is filled.
    Starting on map 4/4 2bgs,
    Will be 5/5/4 in time
  • BadabibidonBadabibidon Member Posts: 91
    Still looking for new members ally is 1 day old 4 members strong so far
  • Lpike25Lpike25 Member Posts: 10
    How about your four members join our alliance. We run 5x5x4 and aq three rooms. Usually gold 3. We’ve had a lot of fat to trim and need some active people. No line. Real chill. Ask that you participate daily. Add me in game Lpike25
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