How do you wound Superior Kang?

TheJargonTheJargon Member Posts: 19
I’ve watch some videos, but none that clearly explain what mechanic triggers his wounded phase. What am I missing?


  • TheJargonTheJargon Member Posts: 19

    You get 10 Slipstream Charges and then hit him with that many. U get slipstream by Dexing or Parrying his Counter attack beam and 1 from fully dexing his SP1 or 2. If you don't know, he counter attacks when you intercept, punish his heavy, hit him while he is stunned by parry, and counter his SP1 or 2. Don't do one of those for things twice in a row or he will stun you

    So dodge 10 beam attacks, seems easy enough, thanks!
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Suggest watching a video or two on this fight so you can learn the rules. Without knowing them, you're gonna get wrecked.

    It's more than dodging beams. You have to switch between parry/attack, intercept/attack, bait heavy/attack, and bait special/attack. You cannot do any of the same in a row, else you get stunned and wrecked.

    In later phases, it gets more complicated. Time slows down and speeds up during Kang's attack.

    Also there are rules about the buffs you can have on you from Kang.
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