Omega Red in 2022

Is there a reason Omega Red isn’t as highly regarded as he once was? Is it because the mutant class is so stacked? I’m debating putting a 6* AG on him instead of Archangel because I already have a 5* Archangel fully maxed. Thoughts?
You need to run damage masteries to maximize his damage, and you want max sig as well, so that could be a disincentive for players.
Awakening , Max sig , suicides ...all this just for 1 champ and even after doing that all he gets used mostly is for biohazard lanes only . Damage isn't that good ..decent DOT , keeps getting bugged from time to time (well not his fault ) . I have my r5 at sig 200 and hardly gets used at all .
1 of my mate took Omega as his first r4 and now he is wondering what to do with him lmfao.
I’ve seen some gameplay and it’s pretty impressive
The one catch is he really needs damage masteries to get the most out of him. But lucky for me, I run them all the time, and he’s absolutely fantastic. I think he’s still very relevant and a very dominant mutant champ. Maybe not the top champ anymore with kitty Pryde and such but omega is still among the top mutants for me.
Just doesnt make sense to me, why would I run omega and sabre when I can run cable and apoc? I can horseman cable and deal with bleed nodes and cable has just as long of a reach on his heavy, and apoc can already handle purification/tenacity that omega does.
Sorry omega fans, but he’s falling out of the meta. I say this and I used a mutant gem and 155 generics on him. BIGGEST MISTAKE I’ve made in my mcoc career.