Crystal Fails

Have you ever been trolled by a crystal? I have, and it is the most annoying thing in the game other than the lag. I have been rejected by crystals lots of times. The crystal would STOP on a 4* champion for a second and you would be all happy then it will just slowly roll over to a 2*. At these times i will get thrown into a rage that will last for an hour. Have you ever been sandwiched between two good champions and a bad one? Name the top annoying crystal fails if you want. I've seen youtubers scream when they think they got the latest champion. (cough cough Wbang). I remember thinking i got Blade but then it slowly rolled over and i threw my pillow. It's one of THE WORST feelings and the salt is forever lasting. So Any of this happen to you? I don't want to be the only salty guy here.
It's not something new
Dr. Zola