Aren't the drop rates supposed to be published for money offers? How are we supposed to know if this is a 3% 6* cavalier crystal or a 4.5% cavalier crystal...or some other drop rate?
Hey there, we've let the rest of the team know so that they can look into getting this sorted out.
Is there any update on this? or do we need to raise the case with the respective stores with the claim that the offer was sold without the required information?
They never gave anything during December with the annual crystals not having odds. And if they do it now. Then I would want mine from then. Can pick and choose when to give the replacements based on how many were purchased.
@Zan0 i didn't receive any compensation for the 25th of December Annual Selector ones with no drop rates. Are we all thinking of the same crystals that kabam compensated?
@Zan0 i think there might have been a time they did refund it in December(maybe earlier on in the month so you could be right) , but i think that was also the time towards the end of December 2021 kabam drew the line with compensating matters such as this.
Oh dear god not again