P.S.A. - Black Cat and Scorpion will be the start of the new rebalance program!!



  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,794 ★★★★★

    It literally says we will launch this system when we announce the attributes for approximately 100 champs. They announced the attributes with black cat and scorpion.

    The first paragraph said they were going to launch the system along with 30 champs.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,794 ★★★★★

    It literally says we will launch this system when we announce the attributes for approximately 100 champs. They announced the attributes with black cat and scorpion.

    The first paragraph said they were going to launch the system along with 30 champs.

    Yes. Have they relaaed attributes for approximately 100 champs?
    Yes. Attributes are live on many champs...I don't know how many they are live on but they are there.
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,387 ★★★★
    edited April 2022
    First off I appreciate the OP bringing attention to this. The idea of the rebalance program completely left my mind. Like so many other aspects of the game, people need to decide for themselves if it is worth the risk/reward when doing things in the game.

    Modification of champs has always happened, from clear and cut nerf/buff/reworks, to frame rate adjustments that end up modifying a champ, we really could never rely on a champ we get today will be the same even a month from now.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    I do take issue with the contention that Kabam “flat out lied” in regard to this issue. This may be the lawyer in me, but lying requires intent to deceive that I just don’t see here. I think they changed their plans and communicated that fact in a sub-optimal way, but there was nothing intentionally deceptive about that.

    As a general rule, I try not to assume malice when ignorance or incompetence could just as likely be the explanation. People are dumb before they are mean, and there’s not really a benefit to lying about this in the way that they allegedly did.

    Anyway, it’ll be six months before we see the actual impact of their inclusion in the program. If y’all want to stay mad that long, be my guest. I’ll forego the wrinkles and just see how it shakes out when the time comes.

    Yeah I completely agree. Kabam could definitely have been clearer, but I don’t see where they lied. I’ll add my voice behind asking them to take more care in ensuring what they say is clear and any changes of plans are communicated - but shouting they lied and accusing them of purposely befuddling the player base has some serious “two minutes of hate” vibes.

    Most people will be angry about this for a couple of days before the next slight mishap is exaggerated to be the next thing everyone is furious about.

    I think YouTubers who take this and use it to say Kabam are lying have a slight responsibility to not to stoke up hate. I think asking kabam where this slight breakdown in communication happened before jumping to saying they flat out lied would be very helpful to not creating and perpetuating the toxicity that can be found in the community.

    I mean, someone said this is the worst they’ve felt since 12.0, really? This slight issue is the worst you’ve felt? Would you think that in a weeks time when everything has calmed down..

    Kabam said they would launch the system with 100, and there are 25. They heavily, heavily implied that black cat and scorp are the first for the system - the announcement said attributes are live on those champs and they had previously said that when the attributes go live the balancing system will too. It’s like they said 2+2 and have expected the player base can figure out that means 4. Yes they didn’t say explicitly the attribute system is starting now and that means the the first champions released after will have the balancing - but they sure gave you all the ingredients to work that out.

    In future, I’d hope they just go ahead and say 2+2= 4 to avoid any doubt of people misunderstanding.

    Everything that has happened has an explanation that doesn’t necessarily mean Kabam lied, why are people so desperate to believe Kabam are lying when it could equally just be a change of plan to launch with the 25 instead? Why not wait, press pause on your anger and see what kabam says about releasing with 25 instead of 100 - maybe the answer isn’t as damning as you seem to want it to be.

    Plans change, it doesn’t mean they lied.
  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    why are people getting so worked up about this? it can't possibly do that much harm, if any. if champs like herc and kitty were left alone, why would there be any reason to think that future champs that are good will get nerfed? people should reserve their judgement until we see how this actually pans out. if we get a champ like super-skrull in the future, he could be balanced to get better, and i think that would make a lot of people happy
  • DanveerKarnaDanveerKarna Member Posts: 113

    Lpoo said:

    It’s just scary know that any new champion you pull will be “balanced” six months after it’s released. Even if it ends up being executed perfectly there will now always be a fear factor that isn’t healthy.

    Dislike the rating system too, a lot of Champions have similar utility ratings to quake without having close to her level of utility. Don’t think it’s a good metric to balance off of.

    These reasons and the slow buff program are my dislikes. I am looking forward to champs being useful if they weren’t initially.

    I think this is the point that makes me more anxious, and I can't believe that Kabam is confident that featured crystal sales won't be heavily influenced by the rebalancing program. Knowing that Black Cat and Scorpion are subject to the program, who would be willing to shell away their own money for something that is not guaranteed?
    So, I get where this is coming from, but literally every Champion released ever has been open to rebalancing, and many of them have been. This is no different, it's just now finally formalized and gives players more say in the process. We've had to adjust Champions shortly after release many times, and if anything, this should give you MORE confidence in the fact that a Champion that isn't as good as expected is going to be buffed to be better.

    I will say this again, if this program had been in place for the last year, there would have been significantly more Buffs than nerfs.
    What happens to all those Beasts, Antmans, Classic DDs, Elektras, MKs and Groots? Had these been subjected to rebalancing we would have seen some updates to their kit. So what happens to them with new program? Cuz by the sound of it, seems like old champs would be eating the dust.
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