Mordo's buff was the best (I have R3)



  • NastyPhishNastyPhish Member Posts: 583 ★★★
    He looks legit. Hoping for a 6* now
  • GhostboytjieGhostboytjie Member Posts: 2,585 ★★★★★
    AMS94 said:


    Nothing special. Just my normal questing team with mordo.




    Sp1 Degen

    Sp3 Regen

    Remember its regen x3 if you're lucky which is 1.5k per tick

    Loosing that much health with a R3 synergised champ in ROL is tarnishing ur claims a lot
    It means whatever playstyle u're relying on to get those numbers isn't sustainable in any meaningful content
    Also those numbers are good but nothing extraordinary for a synergised R3 against 4 stars
    The numbers are higher against 4* than against 6* due to challenger ratings & lower base stats
    He is decent enough if u like him, but nothing great
    I know u're just joking & having a bit of fun with him, but I could also sense some slight seriousness in those claims
    @AMS94 @Guytennis you clearly didnt read did you?

    Theres so synergy involved , just my regular team that I was too lazy to take out and my hp is low cause I screenshot mid fight and then I get hit cause my phone has to register the screenshot first. I can easily end with 100% hp. Fights take around 52 - 55 hits average.

    Mordo always was in my main questing team or I would normally swap him for Tigra / Sentry . Depended on how I felt.

    I was even gonna R4 mordo with my gem when 7.4 came out but still went doom. My next R4 gonna be either Proff x or Cosmic Ghost Rider. Then 100% gonna be mordo.

    I feel like the community has always slept on mordo cause he gets overshadowed by a lot of mystics. Sure he doesnt nulify like the top mystics. But punishes the buffs instead of nulifying. With his buff , he got a damage increase + fury extention (exactly what he needed).

    People need to actually start playing champs and learn how to use them instead of looking at them and say. He is no doom or herc or kitty.

    NOT EVERYONE IS GONNA BE LIKE THOSE CHAMPS. And not everyone is gonna HAVE those champs. There is always other alternatives
  • FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Member Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★
    After playing with him I love his play style now. Mine is now R3.

    Thank you for the fun buff.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,350 ★★★★★
    im always happy to see unpopular champs ranked, if only to see what they are capable of.

    I wouldnt rank 3 mordo but if this buff made him better, when I use him it can only be a good thing given he is one of the "bad" champs I secretly enjoy using.
  • Gildarts99Gildarts99 Member Posts: 449 ★★★
    Renaxqq said:

    I prefer Dr Strange over buffed Mordo.

    Oh please for heaven's sake don't.sure mordo even after his buff isn't the greatest champ but cmoon Dr.Strange???
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,493 ★★★★★
    Don't worry bro, me and @PuttPutt agree that Man-Thing and Mordo can both be the best mystics.
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    Mordo is pretty fun after his buff.
  • IvarTheBonelessIvarTheBoneless Member Posts: 1,282 ★★★★
    edited May 2022
    Badass84 said:

    Badass84 said:

    Sean_Who said:

    If you think those numbers are better than Storm, you're insane.

    For a rank three, they're okay. Not to mention the slow heavy playstyle.

    Pfft. Your opinion is your opinion.

    Mordo bestest mystic confirmed and the heavy style isnt slow if you know da shortcuts
    If he is the best (not even top 15) mystic, why are you loosing so much health.
    Claire or Sorcerer could run ROL without any synergie-champs and go out with 100% health and that even faster than Mordo.
    Mordo is not the worst mystic but indeed closer to the worst yet to the best...
    Cause , I was not recording , I was Screenshotting As I was fighting , and my phone when it screenshots , the game keeps going but my phone still shows the screenshot for a second or 2

    Edit : Also he can do RoL faster than Claire or Sorcerer Without synergies , Just saying
    lemme say why he isnt the best. no access to nulify, stagger, or access to fate seal. cant steal or control power. damage is ok(not something big or huge) and no to little utility(except for cheesing a few stuff). he's like guillotine. a damage mystic without having any mystical utility. how can he be the best while he lacks alot?
    That also plays to his advantage. He is a mystic you can use when the opponent is nullify or stagger immune. Just pointing out that he has his uses and place in the battlerealm. Clearly not best mystic.
    Wow. That's how you nullify arguments. If you have an opponent who is imune to nullify, than why should you use a mystic instead of something better.
    Maybe because you want to punish a lot of buffs and have no other options?

    Badass84 said:

    Sean_Who said:

    If you think those numbers are better than Storm, you're insane.

    For a rank three, they're okay. Not to mention the slow heavy playstyle.

    Pfft. Your opinion is your opinion.

    Mordo bestest mystic confirmed and the heavy style isnt slow if you know da shortcuts
    If he is the best (not even top 15) mystic, why are you loosing so much health.
    Claire or Sorcerer could run ROL without any synergie-champs and go out with 100% health and that even faster than Mordo.
    Mordo is not the worst mystic but indeed closer to the worst yet to the best...
    Cause , I was not recording , I was Screenshotting As I was fighting , and my phone when it screenshots , the game keeps going but my phone still shows the screenshot for a second or 2

    Edit : Also he can do RoL faster than Claire or Sorcerer Without synergies , Just saying
    lemme say why he isnt the best. no access to nulify, stagger, or access to fate seal. cant steal or control power. damage is ok(not something big or huge) and no to little utility(except for cheesing a few stuff). he's like guillotine. a damage mystic without having any mystical utility. how can he be the best while he lacks alot?
    That also plays to his advantage. He is a mystic you can use when the opponent is nullify or stagger immune. Just pointing out that he has his uses and place in the battlerealm. Clearly not best mystic.
    If they’re nullify immune and they have buffs then use Tigra, BWCV or Mephisto - none of whom need to nullify to buff control
    And what if a player doesn't have those? Look, I'm not arguing that mordo's the best I just wanted to point out that he's no juggernaut or iron fist. If a player has no better options then Mordo is fine. He will do the job, especially while buffed now. It feels like everyone is being as extreme as ghostboytje and saying mordo is the worst mystic.

    It's prob a problem with my interpretation because nowhere is anyone saying that, it just feels like that.
  • MysterioMysterio Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★
    I welcome you to the Heavy Spamming Club
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    Badass84 said:

    Badass84 said:

    Sean_Who said:

    If you think those numbers are better than Storm, you're insane.

    For a rank three, they're okay. Not to mention the slow heavy playstyle.

    Pfft. Your opinion is your opinion.

    Mordo bestest mystic confirmed and the heavy style isnt slow if you know da shortcuts
    If he is the best (not even top 15) mystic, why are you loosing so much health.
    Claire or Sorcerer could run ROL without any synergie-champs and go out with 100% health and that even faster than Mordo.
    Mordo is not the worst mystic but indeed closer to the worst yet to the best...
    Cause , I was not recording , I was Screenshotting As I was fighting , and my phone when it screenshots , the game keeps going but my phone still shows the screenshot for a second or 2

    Edit : Also he can do RoL faster than Claire or Sorcerer Without synergies , Just saying
    lemme say why he isnt the best. no access to nulify, stagger, or access to fate seal. cant steal or control power. damage is ok(not something big or huge) and no to little utility(except for cheesing a few stuff). he's like guillotine. a damage mystic without having any mystical utility. how can he be the best while he lacks alot?
    That also plays to his advantage. He is a mystic you can use when the opponent is nullify or stagger immune. Just pointing out that he has his uses and place in the battlerealm. Clearly not best mystic.
    Wow. That's how you nullify arguments. If you have an opponent who is imune to nullify, than why should you use a mystic instead of something better.
    Maybe because you want to punish a lot of buffs and have no other options?

    Badass84 said:

    Sean_Who said:

    If you think those numbers are better than Storm, you're insane.

    For a rank three, they're okay. Not to mention the slow heavy playstyle.

    Pfft. Your opinion is your opinion.

    Mordo bestest mystic confirmed and the heavy style isnt slow if you know da shortcuts
    If he is the best (not even top 15) mystic, why are you loosing so much health.
    Claire or Sorcerer could run ROL without any synergie-champs and go out with 100% health and that even faster than Mordo.
    Mordo is not the worst mystic but indeed closer to the worst yet to the best...
    Cause , I was not recording , I was Screenshotting As I was fighting , and my phone when it screenshots , the game keeps going but my phone still shows the screenshot for a second or 2

    Edit : Also he can do RoL faster than Claire or Sorcerer Without synergies , Just saying
    lemme say why he isnt the best. no access to nulify, stagger, or access to fate seal. cant steal or control power. damage is ok(not something big or huge) and no to little utility(except for cheesing a few stuff). he's like guillotine. a damage mystic without having any mystical utility. how can he be the best while he lacks alot?
    That also plays to his advantage. He is a mystic you can use when the opponent is nullify or stagger immune. Just pointing out that he has his uses and place in the battlerealm. Clearly not best mystic.
    If they’re nullify immune and they have buffs then use Tigra, BWCV or Mephisto - none of whom need to nullify to buff control
    And what if a player doesn't have those? Look, I'm not arguing that mordo's the best I just wanted to point out that he's no juggernaut or iron fist. If a player has no better options then Mordo is fine. He will do the job, especially while buffed now. It feels like everyone is being as extreme as ghostboytje and saying mordo is the worst mystic.

    It's prob a problem with my interpretation because nowhere is anyone saying that, it just feels like that.
    Because if a fight has challenging buffs then you either need to get rid of them, or counter them.

    Say a fight has a power gain buff. You nullify it with Doom. Sorted. What if the champion is nullify immune? Use tigra, BWCV or Mephisto to get rid of the buff without nullify! Awesome. What if they don’t work because it’s got a counter to those 3. Use Void! But use Mordo? How does mordo counter a power gain buff?

    Say a fight has an unstoppable buff. You nullify it with doom, but if they’re nullify immune. Use tigra, BWCV or Mephisto to deal with the buff. What if they don’t work because it counters those 3? Use a slow champ! But use Mordo? How does mordo counter unstoppable?

    Say a fight has an armour up buff like in war with the tactic. You fate seal it with Hood. So on and so forth, what if Tigra, Mephisto and BWCV can’t counter it. Why use Mordo? He doesn’t prevent the armour up. Instead, you use an AAR champ to stop them getting armours in the first place.

    What I mean is, any time that you’ll use Mordo for a buff fight is a time where that buff doesn’t pose any challenge in the fight. Because if it does pose a challenge, Mordo can’t handle it and you need to use a different champion.

    The types of buffs that Mordo can handle, is 10% chance for a small fury on hit, Angela’s armours, personal space etc. Ones that literally any other champion can deal with. Mordo doesn’t reduce the potency (except for healing, one tiny specific use), he doesn’t stop the buffs happening. He doesn’t do anything.

    I understand your point, you’re trying to look for positives. But saying “Mordo is a mystic you can use when the opponent is nullify or stagger immune” is slightly disingenuous (not maliciously so), because all he gets is an attack bonus when the enemy has a buff. So he’s not really a mystic in that situation because he doesn’t deal with the buff. What’s the difference between Mordo and a champ who gets their own fury buff for that fight?

    Say we have Heimdall in one corner, and Mordo in the other. Heimdall gets a 20% fury, Mordo gets a 20% attack increase from the buff. What’s the functional difference between the champs?

    If the buff is anything serious, Mordo just won’t be able to handle it and you’ll use someone else. If you don’t have Tigra, Mephisto or BWCV to deal with buffs in nullify immune match ups you will never say “oh I’ll use Mordo because he gets an attack increase” you’ll say oh I need Void/Shang Chi/ Archangel to deal with this Power gain/unstoppable/armour tactic.

    That’s why you can’t just say “Mordo can be used in nullify immune match ups” because he can’t deal with the buffs, and if the buffs don’t need to be dealt with, then you could use literally any other champion.
  • IvarTheBonelessIvarTheBoneless Member Posts: 1,282 ★★★★
    @BitterSteel you made some very good points, everything you said is right. I get why I was wrong now.

    So mordo is still only a cheese option for very buff heavy fights and really not much has changed. Sad
  • GhostboytjieGhostboytjie Member Posts: 2,585 ★★★★★

    @BitterSteel you made some very good points, everything you said is right. I get why I was wrong now.

    So mordo is still only a cheese option for very buff heavy fights and really not much has changed. Sad

    You miss understood him. Mordo is a cheese option AND and other fights
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