5600+ Prestige Player Looking for a Good Home (Map 5x5 Only)
About me:
Returning back to the game after a short break. I'm looking for a strong, organized alliance that doesn't have a lot of minimums. I have a full time job, and sometimes won't be able to grind on all events. Not interested in map 6, unless it's on a 30 minute timer.
5600+ prestige
Region: USA PST (I sleep later than most)
About 6 T2a for a future R4 5*s
About 24 champs that are at least 5/50 for AW diversity
Interested in:
5x5 AQ that always finishes 100%
Tier 1-3 AW
Top 450 AQ
Line ID: zer0v
Returning back to the game after a short break. I'm looking for a strong, organized alliance that doesn't have a lot of minimums. I have a full time job, and sometimes won't be able to grind on all events. Not interested in map 6, unless it's on a 30 minute timer.
5600+ prestige
Region: USA PST (I sleep later than most)
About 6 T2a for a future R4 5*s
About 24 champs that are at least 5/50 for AW diversity
Interested in:
5x5 AQ that always finishes 100%
Tier 1-3 AW
Top 450 AQ
Line ID: zer0v
Alliance name: KOLTs
Map 5x5, AW tier 2
IGN - Primmer79
Alliance A.A.6
Shoot me a message and we can talk. 5x5 and tier 2 war. Have done map 6 on 30 min timers or when free.