Can't cope with AQ 9.5 and new input system

So, I don't know why my post got deleted instantly. It was genuine, not defamatory and didn't have any angry tone. I'm just looking for feedback.
I'm a cav 10.5k prestige player, not breezing through content but not new neither. I played map6/5 regularly with minimal items (1-2 per round) before aq 9.5 and new input system updates. Ever since may update I'm struggling, mostly in AQ only. I've left my alliance to join a less prestige one and on map4, but I'm still dying in first section. I don't die all the time, it is very inconsistent. Today was a bad day and here's an example:
Map 4, fury mod, lost colossus to mystic bot that I could not parry. They just did not work. This threw of my rhythm and though I picked it up, I think colossus was lost in about 4-5 hits. bwcv cleaned up in 5 hits. Second was bwcv that I lost to america chavez. Was a bit of a longer fight into 60 hits or so, dexed most SPs, but at the end got clipped by her sp2 unblockable and died from that one hit. Mole cleaned up america in 5 hits or so. Then I used mole man on mutant bot (class disadvantage, i know) but after 72 hits in i got hit by an sp and died instantly. So in about 3 fights, I've dealt around 200 hits and received about 10 and lost my team. Rather embarrassing. I just don't know if this is expected norm or not? My champs are max 5's or 6r2. I've finished fights in about 25-40 hits regularly on map6/5 before this update, with rare one going into 40+. Now all my fights are 60-70+ with a rare under 50.

I do not think my masteries should affect above outcome, then need a slight tweak but should be pretty solid.

I'm looking for constructive feedback please, and nothing like "deal with it" or "get good". Am I doing something wrong or missing some crucial piece of info?
I'm a cav 10.5k prestige player, not breezing through content but not new neither. I played map6/5 regularly with minimal items (1-2 per round) before aq 9.5 and new input system updates. Ever since may update I'm struggling, mostly in AQ only. I've left my alliance to join a less prestige one and on map4, but I'm still dying in first section. I don't die all the time, it is very inconsistent. Today was a bad day and here's an example:
Map 4, fury mod, lost colossus to mystic bot that I could not parry. They just did not work. This threw of my rhythm and though I picked it up, I think colossus was lost in about 4-5 hits. bwcv cleaned up in 5 hits. Second was bwcv that I lost to america chavez. Was a bit of a longer fight into 60 hits or so, dexed most SPs, but at the end got clipped by her sp2 unblockable and died from that one hit. Mole cleaned up america in 5 hits or so. Then I used mole man on mutant bot (class disadvantage, i know) but after 72 hits in i got hit by an sp and died instantly. So in about 3 fights, I've dealt around 200 hits and received about 10 and lost my team. Rather embarrassing. I just don't know if this is expected norm or not? My champs are max 5's or 6r2. I've finished fights in about 25-40 hits regularly on map6/5 before this update, with rare one going into 40+. Now all my fights are 60-70+ with a rare under 50.

I do not think my masteries should affect above outcome, then need a slight tweak but should be pretty solid.

I'm looking for constructive feedback please, and nothing like "deal with it" or "get good". Am I doing something wrong or missing some crucial piece of info?
I will say however that I do believe the bots and drones are bugged or tuned up. Last cycle the science drone evaded on nearly every single hit and wiped out my entire team 2 out of the 5 days. Outside of that specific instance, they do seem tougher IMO.
Also for your masteries, you should be running willpower all the time. Just my opinion, but that would not affect much in AQ.
I think the harder difficulty is intentional and is the new normal. Kabam just revamped the potions that are available in the item store, and I think having a game mode that most of the player base could tackle itemless isn't what they wanted. So they made AQ potions available for glory and revamped the store to make them attainable. Then they bumped up the fight difficulty so that players would need to use them more frequently.
Good and bad. Makes AQ less of the mindless drudge that it used to be, but it also means you need to spend some resources in order to be able to 100% every day.
#1 new/old input system is bugged in AQ. I can fight normally outside in story for most part. AQ fighting is severely degraded experience. In one fight parry/re-parry did not work at all.
#2 AQ update 9.5 though simplified and refreshed champs is much more difficult with fights lasting twice as long, twice as many hits needed on most fights and dying is twice as easy. I can't survive one sp, nor one combo with max 5's on map4 /w 9.5k prestige alliance.
Regardless of put a 'point in limber or willpower' as suggested above, I don't see a big problem with my masteries that would make max 5 champ on day 5 map 4 personal space - fury in 9.5k alliance take 70+ hits to take a bot in first section and die from 2 hits.
So my question is, is it me, my phone, some aspect of the game or game itself?