Looking for More! AQ Map 5, AW Gold 2

"World Wide Alliance" is in search of new members! We want people who will run AQ with us on an ongoing basis, as well as participate in "most" of the wars specifically during seasons. If you happen to run incursions too, that's a bonus, because we've got a couple people who are always looking for partners.
We are currently doing AQ map 5 in all three groups, and score about 280 million points each cycle. We have done maps 6 and 7 on several occasions in the past, so moving a single group back up to one of those is also possible. For modifiers, we choose a mix of heroic and master, because we don't feel the marginal point increase from the harder ones is worth the added stress given how grindy AQ is to begin with.
In AW, we run two groups and finish seasons in gold 2. Keeping it limited to two groups, with a larger group of players able to rotate in, gives us more leeway when someone needs a break. Not caring about off-seasons at all helps with burnout. We fight at tiers 6-8, so new members need to be strong enough to handle that level of competition. But rest assured, you won't be dealing with things like defensive tactics and attacker bans here.
We keep a relaxed atmosphere, with just enough "push" to make sure things are getting done. None of us wants to be a taskmaster!!! We are primarily adults, spread all around the world (at least four separate continents!), and everybody is responsible for choosing and completing their own lanes. No prestige requirements, no rank-up requirements, no specific defender requirements, no spending or item use requirements... We don't much care HOW you do it, as long as it gets done!
We use Discord instead of Line. Come find me there (Adjerius#0265), and let's see if we're a good match!
We are currently doing AQ map 5 in all three groups, and score about 280 million points each cycle. We have done maps 6 and 7 on several occasions in the past, so moving a single group back up to one of those is also possible. For modifiers, we choose a mix of heroic and master, because we don't feel the marginal point increase from the harder ones is worth the added stress given how grindy AQ is to begin with.
In AW, we run two groups and finish seasons in gold 2. Keeping it limited to two groups, with a larger group of players able to rotate in, gives us more leeway when someone needs a break. Not caring about off-seasons at all helps with burnout. We fight at tiers 6-8, so new members need to be strong enough to handle that level of competition. But rest assured, you won't be dealing with things like defensive tactics and attacker bans here.
We keep a relaxed atmosphere, with just enough "push" to make sure things are getting done. None of us wants to be a taskmaster!!! We are primarily adults, spread all around the world (at least four separate continents!), and everybody is responsible for choosing and completing their own lanes. No prestige requirements, no rank-up requirements, no specific defender requirements, no spending or item use requirements... We don't much care HOW you do it, as long as it gets done!
We use Discord instead of Line. Come find me there (Adjerius#0265), and let's see if we're a good match!
My hero rating is 700k leading to 800k
I am on Cavalier I have a long way to get to thronebreaker because I want to complete some back issues quest and I feel like I am not ready for thronebreaker yet.
Even though I am not a high level I feel like I am a skilled player but is still learning at the same time
And if I was to join your alliance it would take me time to get used to the level all of you play at but I feel like I could do it
I love how your alliance sounds and how it is set up so if you let me in that would be great if I can't then that's okay