2 UC players looking for alliance

My friend and I are looking for a silver 2 or higher alliance to join. We have outgrown our current alliance and need a new environment to continue progressing in the contest. We are used to running map 4 and 2 BG wars, accounts are 343,480 and 523,872 base hero rating respectively, and we both sit at about 6600 prestige. Neither of us have used line, but we are open to the idea of it.

If you have an opening, and think we could be a good fit please let me know.



  • jdrum663jdrum663 Member Posts: 551 ★★
    If you haven't found one yet check out our alliance and see if you're interested. It's Astral Travellers (with 2 Ls). We've got 2 spots open. We run map 5 and 3 but are probably gonna move to 4 and 3 since Kabam messed up map 5. I know you mentioned map 4 and 2 but as long as you join stuff and try its all good. I hope to see both of you join but, if not, good luck finding an alliance!
  • Thunder1Thunder1 Member Posts: 38
    Got one
    5x5. Gold 3 almost gold 2
    Strong core that has been playing together for years..
    Have fun

    Line ID. T.thunder1
  • CederCeder Member Posts: 668 ★★★

    My friend and I are looking for a silver 2 or higher alliance to join. We have outgrown our current alliance and need a new environment to continue progressing in the contest. We are used to running map 4 and 2 BG wars, accounts are 343,480 and 523,872 base hero rating respectively, and we both sit at about 6600 prestige. Neither of us have used line, but we are open to the idea of it.

    If you have an opening, and think we could be a good fit please let me know.


    While you have gotten offers, realistically speaking, silver 2 is usually the best you'll get
  • RAVEN1815RAVEN1815 Member Posts: 204
    Join us alliance tag X208
  • ThatKidAGEThatKidAGE Member Posts: 44
    Hey there, what is your in game name so we can talk? We’re a Silver 1 alliance doing two map 4’s and one map 5 with the option to expand to 2 BG’s for AW.
  • thinkfasthippiethinkfasthippie Member Posts: 10
    Thank you for all the responses and feedback!

    My in game username is also thinkfasthippie for those that have asked.

    I will be getting back to all of you ASAP!
  • AJDaXManAJDaXMan Member Posts: 5
    Hi thinkfast, I sent you a friend request from my mini account BossHogRaw. I would like to speak to you about joining me ally lol.
  • thinkfasthippiethinkfasthippie Member Posts: 10
    We succesfully found an ally! Thanks guys
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