Input issues are not even close to fixed

I appreciate this game because it takes me away from negativity and old ways of living. But it is super frustrating because u stopped weekly comp (which I’m not tryna freeload more) but it should of never stopped until the game was fixed. I d rather a fixed game then compensation. Please reevaluate this situation. A lot of players are hurting from this. Thank you
We will probably do whatever can make it through the next 6 matches and then we are suspending war.
It is all fine well and good that we now have the items to keep going available in the loyalty store but that doesn't address the problems or the we shouldn't need and wouldn't need them as much as we do in the first place (because of game issues).
This isn't fun anymore.
So the input issue doesn't appear to be fixed and seems to hace created a.myriad of new bugs and issues!
One comment I saw in another thread that hit home was a post about someone’s young children who sometimes play for fun but stopped playing (paraphrasing here) because the controls don’t work and it’s rubbish.
I’ve never been less confident with the controls and performance of this game.
How the hell do you work on fixing the game for a year but end up making it worse than ever.
This community could provide literally hundreds of use-case examples for Kabam to analyze, review, and remediate. Yet the official channel set up for bug reporting ( provides no way to provide such detailed information, attach screen recordings, or opt-in for interaction with the engineer assigned to work on the issue. The definition of cutting off one's nose to spite his or her face.
Where this is good to gather data, it's a button menu where you can only select 1 option, for me it's as general as it gets, in several modes, several input issues change it to a select button instead.
I was pleased enough when the beta controls came out. Now it seems as bad as the worst of the times.
the ai is so passive even when they have “infuriate” debuff in them and will light intercept you every time,
Champs are broken, Kitty pride, king groot, kingpin synergy etc
Kabam, let’s not sit here and pretend everything works and “final compensation is on the way” I’d rather have a game that works! So please do something about wether it’s bringing back weekly comp or anything!! July 4th is around the corner and your only hurting yourself because players won’t want to spend on a 7year old broken game of nothing is done
The input are still not responsive, which based on what @Kabam Miike said in some previous post could also affected the AI. The game lag are also extremely bad, as well as lots of little bugs and glitches (all have reported ingame)
All of these thing combined making it very hard to even try to play the game, let alone enjoy.
It is now been over a month since Kabam went with the "stop compensation and try the beta input" plan, the problem is still there, what are Kabam going forward in regarding to plan on fixing the input. It is would be good for the come community to know.
It’s been a year and where we’ve wound up doesn't feel a lot better than where we were. While I have hopes that the team will demonstrate their appreciation for players who stuck with the game via time and real world currency, I’m also a realist: I don’t think many of them play enough to understand how debilitating the controls issues are.
Friends always leave the game, but I’ve had mates who recently got the special TB “rejoin the Contest” calendar and still walked the game. It’s just been too much and there are too many other non-MCoC things to do that work correctly.
Things need to get fixed fast or, failing that, the team needs to get back to regular and meaningful apology packages. It’s not hard to figure that part out.
Dr. Zola
In “normal” circumstances that’s a fight I would never get hit in.
Another example is planning to use an invulnerability boost to tank an sp3.
Parry, dex, input, lag or something fails far too often and the boost is wasted. Then eat an sp3.
Last season I had to fight a r4 apoc on stun reflect mini boss, he was annoyingly holding onto his sp2 so waited until he was solidly holding block, hit his block and got parried, 5 combo’d which wasted the invulnerability boost, pushed him to sp3 which he instantly used and killed me. Fun game.
Also Kabam “we’re aware it’s broken”
So much angst could be solved by clear communication.
I am unable to progress in the game now. Was waiting for act 6 nerf to finish as I am on 6.4.4 but it seems I will never get it finished. The nerf makes no difference at all when the game is unplayable due to the atrocious controls and continual input problems. I am constantly dying on easy fights because of the forced heavies and everything else giving me no control over it. It would cost me a lot of resources I would not need to spend to get through this in this state. Every game mode is as bad as the other its not specific to anything. My first AQ fight yesterday was literally like autofight was on. No control what so ever over it. I don't even need to touch the screen and its controlling itself. All of this after stating it to be 'fixed' and stopping comp. The game never used to be nearly this bad so I have no idea how it even ended up like this. Its as bad set on new input or taking that off. I literally cannot play the game in this state it is beyond ridiculous now. Already aware of many who have left the game because of this and I will be following if it continues in this state
Admittedly, my iPad Pro is four years old, but it didn’t have a problem four years ago.