Deadpool x force buff is good but...
His buff is overall amazing so far I'm enjoying it. I'm even willing to rank 3 him in the future how ever there a few cons this man has such as his missing a regen buff, he should have AA immune because its deadpool his already crazy(AA immune doesn't need to be a thing but could be if they want too), his l2 does very little damage it needs a buff like make it apply a fury or critical bleeds just something and last the bleeds need either a buff in duration or pause like VP. Over all I like everything about the character how ever something I dislike is the bleeds hit hard but last short, his special attacks great animations but do not deal damage and I like the skipping mechanic but it sucks that you can't intercept the opponent to ramp him up faster. His better than the last time but he definitely has room for more improvement, whenever they have a chance they need to look at this champ again and give him a tune up, because he needs at least fury buffs or something to make his specials hit harder, his bleeds again need a duration buff or a way to pause them and he needs a regen buff. But other wise they nailed his buff but again more room for improvement!!
I'm probably missing something
At the moment, it basically does nothing. The damage it inflicts is just pathetic.