Still no Response, and AQ day 2 is almost over - the problem persists… Since we run map 6x3 on AQ day 2, this is going to have a huge impact on our final standings. All 30 members of our Alliance (MM217) are affected, no one can get into AQ… as mentioned before, we get the start screen but pressing the continue button to get into the AG results in nothing happening. A response would be appreciated (the problem was also submitted to support).
Day five of AQ and it’s doing it again. Cant get into AQ. Get a spinner on the Continue button and a flashing server not connecting then disconnects. Had set up for maps 3, 4, 5
Thought it was just me
Alliance = MM217
4,5,6 Day 2 no mods and we're in
My alliance mate cannot participate. The notifications says “you can’t participate in several AQ”. He isn’t new in the alliance
It’s like all mods have a relaxing day off today .. no backup ?
All our alliance members can't join AQ Day 2. The button just doesn't work.
Maps 6, 5, 5.