July 4 cavalier deals
July 4 cavalier deals leaked seems to be awful and even a downgrade from 2021 july 4 deals.
What are your thoughts?
Personally I believe because there are three bracket of deals leaked maybe we will see cav & thronebreaker in same category or maybe thronebreaker and paragon in same category.
And last deal which is stated as cav deal more look like uncollected deal.
What are your thoughts?
Personally I believe because there are three bracket of deals leaked maybe we will see cav & thronebreaker in same category or maybe thronebreaker and paragon in same category.
And last deal which is stated as cav deal more look like uncollected deal.
With that said, I can't see the mistake being that Cav/TB are together because cavs are still working toward their first r3 and just 5k into the unit deals gives 5 t5cc with the rest giving half a r4.
2 champion SELECTORS
1 Awakening gem
260 6* sigs
and a r4
then there's also
A bunch of 6* crystals
A TON of rank up mats/gems
TB was created Fall 2020. I saved units for cyber weekend and was furious that the deals were so much worse than July 4 2020. I used those units to get TB just after New Years.
I have friends that I play with who are tired of this game. They do alliance because we’ve all played together a lot. They have r3 champs from war rewards and will likely never bother with 6.2+. They might spend their units just to have stuff to spend them on.
If you’re trying to progress and you’re remotely close to a progression tier, skip the offers and play.