I need help!

As soon as I have 10k or 15k 6 star shards, I will open basic or the current featured crystal immediately even if my roster is big. I just wanna see if I can complete my roster by pulling a couple of champs that I don’t have or dupe a couple of unawakened good champs. I’ve told myself to save shards for the next featured. But when the numbers turned green, I always wanted to open. Do I have issue? Why can’t I stick to hoarding? How can you guys do this? Would you please help me?
My last featured crystal got me a ghost rider, so I'm not too optimistic about the new one. Should I spend the extra 5k?
Unless you have a lot of shards (think 60K+) and can pop a few with a specific champ you MUST have RIGHT NOW in mind, I would avoid personally and just grow your roster using the basic crystal.
Just don’t even open the crystals tab. That way you’ll never know.