Missing AQ rewards



  • Lexpert14Lexpert14 Member Posts: 18

    As already said, alliance: [2-1-1] New Avengers 2, ranked top30 still awaiting bug compensation on day 5 of QA.
    To this day we are missing compared to this screen:
    - 1200 glory
    - 4 crystals map8 and 3 map7
    - 11k t5b and 22k t2a
    - 4×2% t5c
    - 2k t6b and 1,5k t3a

    kabam please take into account that the player "Stàze" has changed alliance in the meantime
  • Heinz11Heinz11 Member Posts: 220
    Still no word on how this will be fixed?
  • Lexpert14Lexpert14 Member Posts: 18
    Heinz11 said:

    Kabam Jax said:

    Hello Summoners.

    The dev team was able to find and resolve the cause of this issue so we shouldn't encounter it again.

    As a result, we will be issuing resources to all alliances. As this will not replace all lost resources that resulted from shifting placements in the last cycle, I wanted to give you the early heads-up.

    The resources will be in your in game mail by mid-day Friday.

    We apologize for the frustrations this issue caused.

    At first read, this solution seems to penalize the alliances that experienced this bug even more. If I understand correctly, you are saying that every alliance will be receiving resources, even the ones that did not miss out on days of AQ? So, alliances that benefited from the bug by placing higher than they would normally are going to get the same compensation as the alliances that dropped in rank?
    totally agree with you @Heinz11
    @Kabam Jax you're not serious it's a joke no
  • MegaEater365MegaEater365 Member Posts: 1
    This is insanely wrong to give out 1500 glory for top10 aq allies. Kabam, DO Better.
  • BeeweeBeewee Member Posts: 551 ★★★★
    1500 glory? Is this a joke? We lost so much more than that
  • PepeqlPepeql Member Posts: 24
    How about you guys give 150 tickets instead 1500 glory that won't be used? I'm glad i stopped giving you my money.
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    Usually don’t complain about compensation but alliance who run map 8 missed out on more than just 1500 glory. We missed out on crystals, the glory, the t2a and t5b for 100% the map per battlegroup. Let’s remedy this. Especially on something we couldn’t control at all.
  • 13_RFL13_RFL Member Posts: 16
    This compensation seems more like a slap in the face to those that were affected. We dropped from top 20 to the 90-150 rank rewards. This barley covers the glory we would of received had we placed in the right bracket, much less the other resources we lost out on.
  • Lexpert14Lexpert14 Member Posts: 18

    ranking last week with the QA bug on day 5.

    normal classification without bug.
    Kabam you are not serious with 1500 glory as compensation.
  • Heinz11Heinz11 Member Posts: 220
    It’s frustrating that, after a week, this is the solution that was decided on. As others have mentioned, 1500 Glory doesn’t cover the alliance tickets that were used each day to enter an AQ series that was bugged. It also doesn’t address the lost rank up materials that would have been earned with a normal AQ placement. Add in the revives, boosts, health potions and wasted time spent on that week of AQ and your compensation seems even worse. A much better solution would have been to give AQ rewards based on prestige, or the prior week’s placement. Giving a flat amount of Glory seems like the lazy answer.
  • Lexpert14Lexpert14 Member Posts: 18
    kabam you don't intend to do anything more for the alliances that play at the top of the ranking.
    You don't feel like you robbed us because of your bug.
    It would be good to come out of your silence and assume your technical problems.
  • Qwerty12345Qwerty12345 Member Posts: 835 ★★★★
    look, I know not everyone is going to get what they "should have got"... 1500 loyalty is a nice token gesture even though the other 29 people in my alliance are feelingly like they missed out since we are normally a top 20 alliance (and the following week placed again in top 20).

    I know that isn't easy to do... but I do think including 120 AQ tickets would have gone a long way, because its not just about the missed opportunity of the rewards, but its also the entry fee incurred to not receive those rewards.
  • TSanTSan Member Posts: 14
    Will there be any other reaction from the admins?
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