Omg I can’t believe prof hoff would do this he is evil

I can’t believe prof hoff would call all Asian Bruce less like come on guys this is evel we kneed to go tell hem whhy he is evil and I personlity don’t find this noce I am thea perso he is direy insultin I’m will cry now please help me and hee mean so les bey maen two hem
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
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He said and I quote:
I can’t believe prof hoff would call all Asian Bruce less, like come on guys this is evil. We need to tell him why he is evil and I personally don’t find this nice. I am the person he is directly insulting. I will cry now please help me, and he's mean so lets be mean to him.
I guess, no matter for what reason, this is against TOS.
An his second post a bit racist?