Grandmaster attempt number 2
Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
Better than first time
nice progress so far
On reaching last phase, and adrenaline is high, you need to avoid getting hit for 18s and can only intercept.
I know the unit man is down for you as well but at least you can grind in the arena while you wait.
You can do it!
Doom is the MVP till reverse control starts.
Then it was Mister Sinister for me as I don't have Prof X.
The lucky thing for me is that Mister Sinister can block Unblockable special. Why lucky?
Because for me, in phase 3, Grandmaster was intercepting me with his sp1. So due to reflex I could block it using Mister Sinister and so was able to gain competence.
This was my team. As said Doom was MVP as Hercules couldn't apply DOT so was giving me Blunder.
This is just for show off.. (PS- Sorry but I'm very happy)
Edit- Use 10/15% attack and health boosts, They are free and you could get them from solo crystal shards in special section.
Did you take that much health off of him with no revives?
If so, you are very close, my friend. Keep making those runs at him and you'll definitely get him.
Personally, I was just tired of not having beaten the SOB and used my stash...and then kept popping my 4 hour Cavs for revives...and then used my team revives...and then ended up spending around 160 units to finally get him down.
When I finally got him down to the last stage, I was so shocked that I got him there on that run that I didn't even have a chance to screenshot the finish lol.
P.S. High sig 5* Herc was my best friend for that fight