Almost 1 year of Input Issues and no fixes

Saint_Mart74Saint_Mart74 Member Posts: 84
edited July 2022 in Bugs and Known Issues
Dear @Kabam Miike and @Kabam Zibiit we are now approaching 1 year of input issues. When is Kabam going to fix this. I once again failed to complete this months side quest because of input issues. After I begin a match my champs become unresponsive. They don't want to attack or block or even evade at my command. This either stand still or jog towards the defender. It is frustrating and I'm failing to progress. I can't get the rewards I need and I refuse to use up my valuable resources to do so. I've been playing for 3 years now but recently I have considered quitting. I love this game but It hasn't been fun. If you care about players and value, please fix these issues ASAP. Sincerely, Saint Mart 🙏
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • Saint_Mart74Saint_Mart74 Member Posts: 84
    Hmm, I wonder which is worst. SMH.
  • ScwilkerScwilker Member Posts: 1
    I'm tired of the pauses, lagging controls, and now freezing in fights. KABAM has stopped giving compensation. I'm tired of using units and spending money. This is frustrating. I may quit playing. This is not fun anymore.
  • NastyPhishNastyPhish Member Posts: 583 ★★★
    The game is worse now than it’s ever been. If it doesn’t go back to a skill based game soon. It’s curtains for the whole thing. ☠️
  • WfpkstevezillaWfpkstevezilla Member Posts: 121 ★★
    This month's patch has really been a step back. Hard to finish 5 hit combos, heavies not not taking, the whole nine yards again. Very frustrating as last month and the month before it seemed better.
  • JoseOkJoseOk Member Posts: 278 ★★
    Let’s not forget the the AI was definitely changed to be more passive, while all these bugs are continuing. Game is barely playable without incidents.
  • Madman_marvinMadman_marvin Member Posts: 682 ★★★★
    I’m getting really tired of dying/almost dying in war because parry may or may not work. Two fights in a row I go to parry and get wrecked. At least when it happens in questing, I can restart. This issue is no where near resolved.
  • WayWorn2525WayWorn2525 Member Posts: 1,014 ★★★
    Still input issues going on. champs are ramming into SPs on their own without touching the screen. Unbelievable! 😖
  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    I recommend checking out THIS announcement as it contains a link to the dedicated form we're using to gather feedback on input related issues.

    If you would like to share feedback about any other performance issues, please head over to the relevant thread below and share the details outlined in our Bug Report Template.

    - Android Lag and Performance Issues Thread
    - iOS Lag and Performance Issues Thread

    Thanks in advance for your help!
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