How Do We Feel About Sigil Witch?

So after coming to the conclusion that my main account was pretty dang wrecked and hopeless, unless I pumped about $200-$300 dollars into credits for masteries/energies/gold etc, I started a new account. I'm two days in, already Lvl.25, halfway through Act.3, plus a ton of other completed content (Back Issues, Incursions, EQ, Daily Quests) yet I haven't pulled a 4*. I'm contemplating buying the Sigil, which comes with a 4* Scarlet Witch but I can honestly say I really haven't never used she worth investing into for the time being until I can further up my champions?
Thank you in advance for all comments and advice, cheers!
Thank you in advance for all comments and advice, cheers!
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
Edit - can't remember what level you need to be, but it's not too high.
Also, you're giving up on your main account to start over? Or just opening another account in addition to it?
Is the awakening of Sigil Witch really useful or does she deserve the 6r3 without it?
If it is really useful, to the point of using a generic gem?
I duped mine and have her R3.
Anyways, we love the Witch. Hits hard, easy to play (though a bit random), nullifies, cool animations. ticks all my boxes, which is why my 6* is R4
But don’t buy the 4*