Kabam why Gorr got screwed up

RvzRvz Member Posts: 179 ★★
I mean he is such a powerful and cool character. Why do you make him so vulnerable to suicides mastery as you know suicides are so important in the game. Such a letdown. You always screw up the powerful champs in the comics.


  • TeufelHundenTeufelHunden Member Posts: 107
    If it's in the game as an option, there must be some importance/significance, right?
  • TeufelHundenTeufelHunden Member Posts: 107
    Suicides are obviously not for everyone
    Rvz said:

    I mean he is such a powerful and cool character. Why do you make him so vulnerable to suicides mastery as you know suicides are so important in the game. Such a letdown. You always screw up the powerful champs in the comics.

    Suicides are obviously not for everyone, however, I love them and take the good with the bad. One way that helps me with running suicides with champs like my 6* r3 Nick Furry is that I run 3 points in coagulate. I still use my specials with no fear and just heal up if needed (in the decoy). With my 6* r3 Dr. Doom, I can run 2-3 doom cycles (with 3 points in coagulate) and again, just heal up as needed. If you're running suicides, you have to take the good with the bad, Gorr will be fine.

    You may also plan ahead if you're going to use Gorr to take off suicides. Use auntmai to manage the costs to fit your budget. It's not as bad as you may think. Hope this helps.
  • CaptainaidenCaptainaiden Member Posts: 1,019 ★★★★
    Gorr is ok
  • ShiroiharaShiroihara Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
    It’s very subjective. Suicides are expensive enough to unblock and you already “pay the price” when you use champions that are not immune to both debuffs and via recoil. That’s fair enough.

    I’d prefer it though if new champions were not completely inviable with suicides or Kabam made switching masteries free.
  • ShiroiharaShiroihara Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★

    It’s very subjective. Suicides are expensive enough to unblock and you already “pay the price” when you use champions that are not immune to both debuffs and via recoil. That’s fair enough.

    I’d prefer it though if new champions were not completely inviable with suicides or Kabam made switching masteries free.

    But that screws up how all Champions are to be designed because at that point you're not trying to have any kind of comic accuracy but just this uniformed belief that every Champion should automatically be friendly with those masteries. I mean if the whole point about this is to create a wide variety of characters, that means taking the good with the bad and the bad thing is not everyone is immune to everything.
    I believe the OP was referring to Gorr not benefiting from willpower.
    Comic accuracy doesn’t seem to be a priority when designing a champ. We have plenty of examples were immunities are applied without explanation.
    As I said, I’m happy to take the disadvantage that is clear when you unlock suicides. Only that lately we’re seeing a lot of heal blocks in nodes and making a champion not benefit from willpower when apparently the regen is not that great…
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    It’s your choice to run suicides though, kabam doesn’t need to cater to your use of suicides. This is why folks in higher tiers lay 200 units down every war so they can remove suicides to not give people an easy time on their defenders. There are more folks who don’t use suicide than do and also if you really want to be comic accurate willpower is not.. only a few champion truly have the ability to regenerate their body. When’s the last time you noticed starlord have the ability to heal on wim?
  • ShiroiharaShiroihara Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★

    It’s your choice to run suicides though, kabam doesn’t need to cater to your use of suicides. This is why folks in higher tiers lay 200 units down every war so they can remove suicides to not give people an easy time on their defenders. There are more folks who don’t use suicide than do and also if you really want to be comic accurate willpower is not.. only a few champion truly have the ability to regenerate their body. When’s the last time you noticed starlord have the ability to heal on wim?

    I was replying to ShadowStrike and agreeing with you on the comic accuracy matter, actually.

    It is interesting that a lot of you seem to think that if you decide to use suicides then you’re fair game for Kabam to make you suffer in whichever way they see fit.
    Hopefully most of the player base would agree with making mastery switches free or at least less punishing. But who knows, we’ve proven that we’re masochists over the last few months.
    As a non spender, it took me years to unlock them and I don’t want to be using units every two minutes because of fight designs.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    It’s your choice to run suicides though, kabam doesn’t need to cater to your use of suicides. This is why folks in higher tiers lay 200 units down every war so they can remove suicides to not give people an easy time on their defenders. There are more folks who don’t use suicide than do and also if you really want to be comic accurate willpower is not.. only a few champion truly have the ability to regenerate their body. When’s the last time you noticed starlord have the ability to heal on wim?

    As a non spender, it took me years to unlock them and I don’t want to be using units every two minutes because of fight designs.
    That’s the pact you’ve signed with the devil unfortunately. Suicides is agreeing to put 2 damaging debuffs on you and losing 5% health. It’s not always going to work with fight designs. There are plenty of nodes that punish debuffs on you, heal block, require consistent special use. Most of the time suicides will be fine, and have been fine - it just turns out that a lot of harder content ends up needing to use specials, or punishing having two DOT on you. You cannot ask for the game to be perfect for you.

    Unfortunately it isn’t up to kabam to cater to suicide users and make sure content is good for you. They don’t have to avoid nodes that affect suicides badly, because suicides are not a smart decision in a lot of end game content. Damage is not always better than utility, (that’s why using someone like Psylocke has more of a chance than trying to brute force it with Herc for example) and by using suicides you take away your own utility.

    Again, Kabam design the game and set fights out. You have the choice as a suicides user to either run them and accept that sometimes putting two debuffs on yourself and losing health is going to be bad, or you can drop them. Kabam isn’t going to make content perfect for you.
  • ShiroiharaShiroihara Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★

    It’s your choice to run suicides though, kabam doesn’t need to cater to your use of suicides. This is why folks in higher tiers lay 200 units down every war so they can remove suicides to not give people an easy time on their defenders. There are more folks who don’t use suicide than do and also if you really want to be comic accurate willpower is not.. only a few champion truly have the ability to regenerate their body. When’s the last time you noticed starlord have the ability to heal on wim?

    As a non spender, it took me years to unlock them and I don’t want to be using units every two minutes because of fight designs.
    That’s the pact you’ve signed with the devil unfortunately. Suicides is agreeing to put 2 damaging debuffs on you and losing 5% health. It’s not always going to work with fight designs. There are plenty of nodes that punish debuffs on you, heal block, require consistent special use. Most of the time suicides will be fine, and have been fine - it just turns out that a lot of harder content ends up needing to use specials, or punishing having two DOT on you. You cannot ask for the game to be perfect for you.

    Unfortunately it isn’t up to kabam to cater to suicide users and make sure content is good for you. They don’t have to avoid nodes that affect suicides badly, because suicides are not a smart decision in a lot of end game content. Damage is not always better than utility, (that’s why using someone like Psylocke has more of a chance than trying to brute force it with Herc for example) and by using suicides you take away your own utility.

    Again, Kabam design the game and set fights out. You have the choice as a suicides user to either run them and accept that sometimes putting two debuffs on yourself and losing health is going to be bad, or you can drop them. Kabam isn’t going to make content perfect for you.
    I get your point. It just feels cheeky on their part to give you this endgame piece of utility and then penalise it more and more.
    I think free mastery changes would be the fair thing to do. That way they can do anything in terms of nodes and champions and it would open up the game to budget players like myself.
    It's been said before, you work hard to earn those units to unlock masteries. It doesn't seem fair to be charging for it every time you move points. Imagine they charged units every time you change your questing or AW team.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    edited July 2022

    It’s your choice to run suicides though, kabam doesn’t need to cater to your use of suicides. This is why folks in higher tiers lay 200 units down every war so they can remove suicides to not give people an easy time on their defenders. There are more folks who don’t use suicide than do and also if you really want to be comic accurate willpower is not.. only a few champion truly have the ability to regenerate their body. When’s the last time you noticed starlord have the ability to heal on wim?

    As a non spender, it took me years to unlock them and I don’t want to be using units every two minutes because of fight designs.
    That’s the pact you’ve signed with the devil unfortunately. Suicides is agreeing to put 2 damaging debuffs on you and losing 5% health. It’s not always going to work with fight designs. There are plenty of nodes that punish debuffs on you, heal block, require consistent special use. Most of the time suicides will be fine, and have been fine - it just turns out that a lot of harder content ends up needing to use specials, or punishing having two DOT on you. You cannot ask for the game to be perfect for you.

    Unfortunately it isn’t up to kabam to cater to suicide users and make sure content is good for you. They don’t have to avoid nodes that affect suicides badly, because suicides are not a smart decision in a lot of end game content. Damage is not always better than utility, (that’s why using someone like Psylocke has more of a chance than trying to brute force it with Herc for example) and by using suicides you take away your own utility.

    Again, Kabam design the game and set fights out. You have the choice as a suicides user to either run them and accept that sometimes putting two debuffs on yourself and losing health is going to be bad, or you can drop them. Kabam isn’t going to make content perfect for you.
    I get your point. It just feels cheeky on their part to give you this endgame piece of utility and then penalise it more and more.

    But suicides isn’t strictly utility in 99% of cases, it’s damage. And in some cases, it actually gives the opponent utility where they benefit from debuffs. There are fringe examples like Diablo where he gets healing from suicides. But most of the time it’s just damage.

    I think the major issue here with where your view is coming from is when you say penalise. It implies that it’s something that is actively happening. Suicides use isn’t being penalised, Kabam aren’t saying “here is this fight, let’s penalise suicides users”.

    What’s happening is that it just is a fact that having two damage over time debuffs on you is bad, and not being able to use specials without 5% health loss is bad. There are many, many nodes that punish debuffs, block healing and require the use of specials. I can list them if you’d like. Kabam using those nodes is not penalising you, it is designing a fight.

    If your argument is kabam shouldn’t use those nodes because it “penalises” you, then that’s a pretty shaky argument.

    Suicides use is a choice you make, if you don’t like the downsides of that choice then I’m afraid that’s on you, not Kabam for adding nodes that coincidentally don’t mesh well with 2 DOT debuffs and the inability to use specials without losing health.
  • ShiroiharaShiroihara Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★

    It’s your choice to run suicides though, kabam doesn’t need to cater to your use of suicides. This is why folks in higher tiers lay 200 units down every war so they can remove suicides to not give people an easy time on their defenders. There are more folks who don’t use suicide than do and also if you really want to be comic accurate willpower is not.. only a few champion truly have the ability to regenerate their body. When’s the last time you noticed starlord have the ability to heal on wim?

    As a non spender, it took me years to unlock them and I don’t want to be using units every two minutes because of fight designs.
    That’s the pact you’ve signed with the devil unfortunately. Suicides is agreeing to put 2 damaging debuffs on you and losing 5% health. It’s not always going to work with fight designs. There are plenty of nodes that punish debuffs on you, heal block, require consistent special use. Most of the time suicides will be fine, and have been fine - it just turns out that a lot of harder content ends up needing to use specials, or punishing having two DOT on you. You cannot ask for the game to be perfect for you.

    Unfortunately it isn’t up to kabam to cater to suicide users and make sure content is good for you. They don’t have to avoid nodes that affect suicides badly, because suicides are not a smart decision in a lot of end game content. Damage is not always better than utility, (that’s why using someone like Psylocke has more of a chance than trying to brute force it with Herc for example) and by using suicides you take away your own utility.

    Again, Kabam design the game and set fights out. You have the choice as a suicides user to either run them and accept that sometimes putting two debuffs on yourself and losing health is going to be bad, or you can drop them. Kabam isn’t going to make content perfect for you.
    I get your point. It just feels cheeky on their part to give you this endgame piece of utility and then penalise it more and more.

    Suicides use isn’t being penalised, Kabam aren’t saying “here is this fight, let’s penalise suicides users”.
    We're going to have to disagree on that one. My main point remains that I'd like to have the flexibility to adapt to a fight with the resources I already earned - champions, masteries - without paying taxes.
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★

    It’s your choice to run suicides though, kabam doesn’t need to cater to your use of suicides. This is why folks in higher tiers lay 200 units down every war so they can remove suicides to not give people an easy time on their defenders. There are more folks who don’t use suicide than do and also if you really want to be comic accurate willpower is not.. only a few champion truly have the ability to regenerate their body. When’s the last time you noticed starlord have the ability to heal on wim?

    As a non spender, it took me years to unlock them and I don’t want to be using units every two minutes because of fight designs.
    That’s the pact you’ve signed with the devil unfortunately. Suicides is agreeing to put 2 damaging debuffs on you and losing 5% health. It’s not always going to work with fight designs. There are plenty of nodes that punish debuffs on you, heal block, require consistent special use. Most of the time suicides will be fine, and have been fine - it just turns out that a lot of harder content ends up needing to use specials, or punishing having two DOT on you. You cannot ask for the game to be perfect for you.

    Unfortunately it isn’t up to kabam to cater to suicide users and make sure content is good for you. They don’t have to avoid nodes that affect suicides badly, because suicides are not a smart decision in a lot of end game content. Damage is not always better than utility, (that’s why using someone like Psylocke has more of a chance than trying to brute force it with Herc for example) and by using suicides you take away your own utility.

    Again, Kabam design the game and set fights out. You have the choice as a suicides user to either run them and accept that sometimes putting two debuffs on yourself and losing health is going to be bad, or you can drop them. Kabam isn’t going to make content perfect for you.
    I get your point. It just feels cheeky on their part to give you this endgame piece of utility and then penalise it more and more.

    Suicides use isn’t being penalised, Kabam aren’t saying “here is this fight, let’s penalise suicides users”.
    We're going to have to disagree on that one. My main point remains that I'd like to have the flexibility to adapt to a fight with the resources I already earned - champions, masteries - without paying taxes.
    That’s literally not what they’re doing. Adaptation means that you know when to turn those masteries off and turn them on.
  • ShiroiharaShiroihara Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
    ItsDamien said:

    It’s your choice to run suicides though, kabam doesn’t need to cater to your use of suicides. This is why folks in higher tiers lay 200 units down every war so they can remove suicides to not give people an easy time on their defenders. There are more folks who don’t use suicide than do and also if you really want to be comic accurate willpower is not.. only a few champion truly have the ability to regenerate their body. When’s the last time you noticed starlord have the ability to heal on wim?

    As a non spender, it took me years to unlock them and I don’t want to be using units every two minutes because of fight designs.
    That’s the pact you’ve signed with the devil unfortunately. Suicides is agreeing to put 2 damaging debuffs on you and losing 5% health. It’s not always going to work with fight designs. There are plenty of nodes that punish debuffs on you, heal block, require consistent special use. Most of the time suicides will be fine, and have been fine - it just turns out that a lot of harder content ends up needing to use specials, or punishing having two DOT on you. You cannot ask for the game to be perfect for you.

    Unfortunately it isn’t up to kabam to cater to suicide users and make sure content is good for you. They don’t have to avoid nodes that affect suicides badly, because suicides are not a smart decision in a lot of end game content. Damage is not always better than utility, (that’s why using someone like Psylocke has more of a chance than trying to brute force it with Herc for example) and by using suicides you take away your own utility.

    Again, Kabam design the game and set fights out. You have the choice as a suicides user to either run them and accept that sometimes putting two debuffs on yourself and losing health is going to be bad, or you can drop them. Kabam isn’t going to make content perfect for you.
    I get your point. It just feels cheeky on their part to give you this endgame piece of utility and then penalise it more and more.

    Suicides use isn’t being penalised, Kabam aren’t saying “here is this fight, let’s penalise suicides users”.
    We're going to have to disagree on that one. My main point remains that I'd like to have the flexibility to adapt to a fight with the resources I already earned - champions, masteries - without paying taxes.
    That’s literally not what they’re doing. Adaptation means that you know when to turn those masteries off and turn them on.
    How is that different from what I said? I only said that it should be free.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    It’s your choice to run suicides though, kabam doesn’t need to cater to your use of suicides. This is why folks in higher tiers lay 200 units down every war so they can remove suicides to not give people an easy time on their defenders. There are more folks who don’t use suicide than do and also if you really want to be comic accurate willpower is not.. only a few champion truly have the ability to regenerate their body. When’s the last time you noticed starlord have the ability to heal on wim?

    As a non spender, it took me years to unlock them and I don’t want to be using units every two minutes because of fight designs.
    That’s the pact you’ve signed with the devil unfortunately. Suicides is agreeing to put 2 damaging debuffs on you and losing 5% health. It’s not always going to work with fight designs. There are plenty of nodes that punish debuffs on you, heal block, require consistent special use. Most of the time suicides will be fine, and have been fine - it just turns out that a lot of harder content ends up needing to use specials, or punishing having two DOT on you. You cannot ask for the game to be perfect for you.

    Unfortunately it isn’t up to kabam to cater to suicide users and make sure content is good for you. They don’t have to avoid nodes that affect suicides badly, because suicides are not a smart decision in a lot of end game content. Damage is not always better than utility, (that’s why using someone like Psylocke has more of a chance than trying to brute force it with Herc for example) and by using suicides you take away your own utility.

    Again, Kabam design the game and set fights out. You have the choice as a suicides user to either run them and accept that sometimes putting two debuffs on yourself and losing health is going to be bad, or you can drop them. Kabam isn’t going to make content perfect for you.
    I get your point. It just feels cheeky on their part to give you this endgame piece of utility and then penalise it more and more.

    Suicides use isn’t being penalised, Kabam aren’t saying “here is this fight, let’s penalise suicides users”.
    We're going to have to disagree on that one. My main point remains that I'd like to have the flexibility to adapt to a fight with the resources I already earned - champions, masteries - without paying taxes.
    You can believe Kabam has it out for suicide users if you like, but I’d advise you to go on AuntMa.I and count up the number of nodes that don’t go well with suicides. I think it would surprise you.

    People learned the same with pacify when reducing AAR during stun started to mess with nodes. You learn the same with willpower against warlock where it’s not always good to heal. You learn the same with resonate if you don’t want to apply debuffs in some matchups. You learn the same with dex if you want to take it off for a fight where you don’t want buffs.

    Masteries will not always be good for every situation, either you deal with the hit to your ability to optimally take the fight, you switch off your mastery briefly with a cost, or you stop running that mastery.

    At some point, you will have faced enough nodes and fights that suicides work bad for that you either accept that fact, accept the cost, or you stop running them. You can keep blaming kabam if you like, but it won’t make your game any more enjoyable.

    Suicides aren’t special, they don’t need to be catered to. You make the decision to take away your own utility, you cannot be surprised when that bites back.
  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★

  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★
    I have always wondered .... what is the appeal with suicides other than to arena grinders? I have never needed (nor wanted) to unlock them, I dont believe there is a single piece of content where you will NEED them 🤔. Each to their own and all that but I'm just after some insight from suicide users
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,322 ★★★★★

    It’s your choice to run suicides though, kabam doesn’t need to cater to your use of suicides. This is why folks in higher tiers lay 200 units down every war so they can remove suicides to not give people an easy time on their defenders. There are more folks who don’t use suicide than do and also if you really want to be comic accurate willpower is not.. only a few champion truly have the ability to regenerate their body. When’s the last time you noticed starlord have the ability to heal on wim?

    As a non spender, it took me years to unlock them and I don’t want to be using units every two minutes because of fight designs.
    That’s the pact you’ve signed with the devil unfortunately. Suicides is agreeing to put 2 damaging debuffs on you and losing 5% health. It’s not always going to work with fight designs. There are plenty of nodes that punish debuffs on you, heal block, require consistent special use. Most of the time suicides will be fine, and have been fine - it just turns out that a lot of harder content ends up needing to use specials, or punishing having two DOT on you. You cannot ask for the game to be perfect for you.

    Unfortunately it isn’t up to kabam to cater to suicide users and make sure content is good for you. They don’t have to avoid nodes that affect suicides badly, because suicides are not a smart decision in a lot of end game content. Damage is not always better than utility, (that’s why using someone like Psylocke has more of a chance than trying to brute force it with Herc for example) and by using suicides you take away your own utility.

    Again, Kabam design the game and set fights out. You have the choice as a suicides user to either run them and accept that sometimes putting two debuffs on yourself and losing health is going to be bad, or you can drop them. Kabam isn’t going to make content perfect for you.
    I get your point. It just feels cheeky on their part to give you this endgame piece of utility and then penalise it more and more.

    Suicides use isn’t being penalised, Kabam aren’t saying “here is this fight, let’s penalise suicides users”.
    We're going to have to disagree on that one. My main point remains that I'd like to have the flexibility to adapt to a fight with the resources I already earned - champions, masteries - without paying taxes.
    There are champions who work well with the recoil masteries and champions that don’t. Omega Red works well with them. DDHK does not. Diablo works well with them. Gorr does not. The list goes on, but you get the idea. Additionally, there are multiple synergies and teams you can build to make champions who aren’t good for that mastery setup on their base kit actually very friendly to it.

    Running those masteries is a tradeoff. You get a ton of extra damage and, from some champions, utility and sustainability. In exchange, you give up the survivability of champions who do not work well with them. But what people seem to forget is not running them is also a tradeoff. I’ve had like a sig 80 6* Diablo since before his buff and I haven’t ranked him because I don’t run the recoil tree. Same reason I haven’t invested in my 6* awakened Omega Red, or several other champions who get massive benefits from that mastery setup.

    I find special spamming champions to be very fun, and that is antithetical to recoil in most instances. Imagine running Sorcerer Supreme with it active. So I don’t run it. I don’t come here and complain that my preferred playstyle and champions don’t mesh with these masteries, I just recognize that it’s a trade that I am making and move on. That’s the deal with Gorr now, he’s bad with liquid courage and double edge, and that’s okay.
  • StephD87StephD87 Member Posts: 74

    It’s your choice to run suicides though, kabam doesn’t need to cater to your use of suicides. This is why folks in higher tiers lay 200 units down every war so they can remove suicides to not give people an easy time on their defenders. There are more folks who don’t use suicide than do and also if you really want to be comic accurate willpower is not.. only a few champion truly have the ability to regenerate their body. When’s the last time you noticed starlord have the ability to heal on wim?

    As a non spender, it took me years to unlock them and I don’t want to be using units every two minutes because of fight designs.
    That’s the pact you’ve signed with the devil unfortunately. Suicides is agreeing to put 2 damaging debuffs on you and losing 5% health. It’s not always going to work with fight designs. There are plenty of nodes that punish debuffs on you, heal block, require consistent special use. Most of the time suicides will be fine, and have been fine - it just turns out that a lot of harder content ends up needing to use specials, or punishing having two DOT on you. You cannot ask for the game to be perfect for you.

    Unfortunately it isn’t up to kabam to cater to suicide users and make sure content is good for you. They don’t have to avoid nodes that affect suicides badly, because suicides are not a smart decision in a lot of end game content. Damage is not always better than utility, (that’s why using someone like Psylocke has more of a chance than trying to brute force it with Herc for example) and by using suicides you take away your own utility.

    Again, Kabam design the game and set fights out. You have the choice as a suicides user to either run them and accept that sometimes putting two debuffs on yourself and losing health is going to be bad, or you can drop them. Kabam isn’t going to make content perfect for you.
    I get your point. It just feels cheeky on their part to give you this endgame piece of utility and then penalise it more and more.

    Suicides use isn’t being penalised, Kabam aren’t saying “here is this fight, let’s penalise suicides users”.
    We're going to have to disagree on that one. My main point remains that I'd like to have the flexibility to adapt to a fight with the resources I already earned - champions, masteries - without paying taxes.
    I completely understand and agree that if you want suicides you have to suck it up and take the double DOT and recoil if you want the added damage. That being said I also would love to be able to switch between masteries that have already been purchased and not have to spend units on changing masteries.
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,906 ★★★★★
    Something that isn’t totally related to the discussion unfolding here around the general usability of suicides, but I actually think Gorr might be intended to work with suicides, or at least tolerate them

    On his spotlight where it discusses the regen he gets when cycling through his shadow magic buffs while inflicted with the corresponding debuff it states:

    “The second two bullet points here are also very important because they make Gorr more friendly towards the Liquid Courage and Double Edge Masteries. By repeatedly cycling through his Shadow Magic, he’s able to continually re-trigger this Regeneration Buff and negate the damage taken from those Masteries.”

    It’s also mentioned in the recommended masteries section in relation to the recovery mastery. So the fact this has been mentioned makes me think he maybe isn’t as friendly to suicides as he was maybe intended to be. Could be something we see changed in rebalancing, could not be (although he needs far more than just being suicide friendly to be frank)
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