Lucky people who don't have any input issues, what device are you using?

I'm using Xiaomi K20 Pro and up until input fixes started to roll in I didn't have any issues. It gradually got worse as things were supposedly getting better elsewhere and now it is in complete mess. 9 out of 10 fights at least one parry won't register and dexing specials like SP1 of iBom, which require multiple dashbacks is literally impossible (at least one dashback won't register and I get smacked in the face).
My phones:
Iphone 8 plus
Xiaomi Redmi note 8 pro
Motorola moto g8 power
Motorola edge 20 (latest)
Ipad (regular 2021 version)
Great in my iPhone 13 pro max though.
The last update did start to effect my V60 but most likely the chipset isn't keeping up with the graphics.
I saw a video I think by bittersteel a few days ago and I was thinking my parry’s are nothing like that at all. I can’t really explain in particular but it’s like sometimes theirs a jitter/pause in the enemy before parry so the timing off, or the ai stops itself mid attack and goes into heavy or dash back or the timing that works sometimes doesn’t others almost like a variable length pause is added at attack time. Sometimes the attack speed seems faster than they allow me to block even if my finger is down blocking before they attack it doesn’t let me block. It just feels different than I see on some peoples videos.
Idk it’s good some people aren’t having problems but mine is pretty bad. I think it might even be worse than it was before.
I’m on iPhone se 2020 if curious
Older Apple devices could be suffering from how they slow down their devices purposefully.
Not to mention that I started noticing the phone getting hot a couple of updates back.
Missed blocks and parries are undoubtedly annoying. My favourite however is dashing to the opponent to the point where my medium animation ends, but somehow they’re able to throw their special.
I could’ve sworn that it even happened one time when I had already started my first light, and there was no miss, falter or any similar mechanic involved.
If you cannot even scroll through your Champ roster without it freezing and or launching the info screen for the last champ your finger touched? How can the input issue be fixed????