Top 90 AQ ¦ P2 Ally ¦ 14k+ Prestige

We will be looking for a couple additions to join us upon the conclusion of the season. We are pushing war quite extensively and expect high level communication. If we sound like we may be a good fit, shoot me a message on line.


  • kabakaba Member Posts: 27
    Tag alliance?
  • Elite_Silver77Elite_Silver77 Member Posts: 39
    HC Åpøcalypse
  • Elite_Silver77Elite_Silver77 Member Posts: 39
    My in game name is Elite Red if you are having trouble finding us.
  • Elite_Silver77Elite_Silver77 Member Posts: 39
  • Wifflehead2003Wifflehead2003 Member Posts: 16
    I have 15700 prestige, tag in game is wifflehead
  • ŁŤÇŁŤÇ Member Posts: 351 ★★★
    To whoever is looking.

    This is a fun, well-organized alliance that communicates well. It also respects having a life outside of game.

    If I wasn't ftp, and so low in gold, I would still be here.

    When I told the leader that I had to go, 100% clarity and cool with everything. Total respect for leader and officers. Will be the first chat I stay in after leaving. I hope someone good joins these guys.
  • Elite_Silver77Elite_Silver77 Member Posts: 39

  • Elite_Silver77Elite_Silver77 Member Posts: 39
    If interested, I am looking to fill 3 spots.
  • daliborpodaliborpo Member Posts: 17
    Hi are you still looking for new members,my in game name is postar
  • Elite_Silver77Elite_Silver77 Member Posts: 39
    I am, add me on line so we can chat. Id:eliteultimate
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