Recruitment new alliance | [oGBtl] Ogre Battle

Hello people, hope you are doing great. I started a new alliance because the previous one was not active and I'm an active user, if you'd like to join an alliance that is going to be active, open to ideas discussion and strategy, please feel free to join
[oGBtl] Ogre Battle.

Basics and rules.
  • Active members no more than 2 days inactive (I understand Weekends, work, school, and families)
  • 3 BG for War and Quest
  • Discord would be preferable for notifications and when on War or Quests
  • There will be 3 different BG for Quest so depending on the member's level everyone can participate and contribute.
I personally speak 3 languages so there's no language limitation at all [es] [en] [fr] and a little bit of [de]

Wishing you all the best, and hopefully see you soon.


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